What's for dinner? 3-1-16

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Cheryl J

Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 4, 2012
I ended up with a tuna melt for last night's dinner but still craving an omelette, so that's what it'll be for this afternoon's meal. I have some mushrooms, asparagus and shallots that need used, so will sauté those for the omelette 'stuffing'. Yum - looking forward to it. Fresh fruit on the side.
What's everyone having this evening? :chef:
I'm doing a quick stop at the grocery store later. If they still have rotisserie chickens under their lamps, I'll pick one up for tonight. If not, probably and eggy dish, too. Sides will be broccoli and corn, maybe or maybe not some kind of potato.
I baked some chicken portions and made an improv baked 'sauce' by slicing up some seasoned cherry tomatoes, onions and red chilli and placing them inbetween the chicken portions.

Had it with carrots, brussel sprouts and semi baked/'roast' potatoes done above. This is potato sliced horizontally in half, then criss-crossed (on the cut side), seasoned and oiled. It goes crispy brown. :chef:
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I'm making a recipe of Luca Lazzari's lasagna bolognese. SO is on her own as she doesn't care for the lasagna.
We will finish off the meager portions of last night's supper; sausage, sauerkraut and guacamole and will add a fresh spinach salad.

Just finished up making the salad. I don't often remember to take photos. And as I was looking for space in the frig to store this until dinner, I found some orphan black olives that were added after the photo shoot.


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Wonderful looking salad, Beth...and yes, olives are a nice addition! Looks great. :yum:
After a busy weekend, I finally have a night off! DH is teaching and DS is at rehearsal so I'm on my own. I chose to have some left over brat burgers. Melted Swiss and sauerkraut on them. Had them sans bun. Have some cupcakes left over from the weekend so that will be dessert.
I ended up with a tuna melt for last night's dinner but still craving an omelette, so that's what it'll be for this afternoon's meal. I have some mushrooms, asparagus and shallots that need used, so will sauté those for the omelette 'stuffing'. Yum - looking forward to it. Fresh fruit on the side....

Oh this was sooo good! I got lucky - the eggs were just underdone enough to still be 'shiny', tender and perfectly cooked on the inside by the time it was plated and served to myself. :) The side of watermelon, cuties, and sliced apples didn't make it into the pic. :yum:


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Pretty picture Beth!

I'm doing a variation of Tenspeed's recipe..
buy adding mushrooms, artichoke hearts and red bell pepper strips with whole skin on and browned chicken thighs, finished in the oven. I'll add the cream just before serving. Mine will be on top of wilted spinach and his will be on top of leftover jasmine rice. We'll both have glorified salads, a la Sous Chef.

By the way CG...I love your new signature line! ;)
Oh this was sooo good! I got lucky - the eggs were just underdone enough to still be 'shiny', tender and perfectly cooked on the inside by the time it was plated and served to myself. :) The side of watermelon, cuties, and sliced apples didn't make it into the pic. :yum:

Cheryl, that looks amazing! I wish I could eat eggs...but then again I could just make a meal of the filling! :LOL:
Thanks, Kayelle. The Ruth Reichl book I'm reading is just chock-full of wonderful signature options! I'm actually considering getting a copy of my own. Not so much for the recipes, although I've marked plenty of them off to copy before I return the book, but because just holding it reminds me that cooking should be a joyful pursuit. I think we all need to feel that way in our own kitchens. You should see if your library has a copy you could borrow - I think you'll love it too.

Nice looking meals! I popped in to show off my plate. I decided that the corn would be our starch, since it is one, and I also sauteed up a good-sized zucchini and steamed some broccoli. By the time I got back for seconds on the veggies all that was left was a serving spoon of corn! :ohmy: Turned out an orange was an OK substitute. :LOL: And wine. Grapes are fruit. :D


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Oh this was sooo good! I got lucky - the eggs were just underdone enough to still be 'shiny', tender and perfectly cooked on the inside by the time it was plated and served to myself. :) The side of watermelon, cuties, and sliced apples didn't make it into the pic. :yum:

You sure know how to cook the perfect omelet (for me) Cheryl. To me, there's nothing worse than a dry omelet.
Great description ..."the eggs were just underdone enough to still be 'shiny', tender and perfectly cooked on the inside by the time it was plated and served to myself."
The move is over! Now the unpacking phase!:ohmy: The both of us are very tired. Made a quick stop at the now 2 blocks away Penn Dutch and grabbed some 85/15 ground beef. Made some "scramburger". Sitting next to the beef section I spied some very nice veal shanks. I think Osso Buco will be on the menu soon!:yum:
Thank you so much LP, Kay, and CG. I just checked and have enough mushrooms and asparagus left to make another omelette today, and I will - it was delicious. Kay, I dislike dry omelettes too. I used Julia's method of shaking the pan while tipping it to swirl the uncooked egg around the outside of the pan, added the sautéed veggies on one half when it was still underdone, folded over, and let carryover cooking finish it.

CG - I love your sig line too, and completely agree with you that cooking should be a "joyful pursuit" - great way to put it! I know that sometimes it can be a chore for whatever reason and we have to cook just to put something on the table...but for the most part I think most of us here get enjoyment from cooking/baking, otherwise we wouldn't be here. :chef::)
Good looking dinner btw, CG...and Craig, congrats on the move.
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I was on years ago. Now I am back trying to learn how to navigate.
I am making a Veggie/Soup Stew Today: brown l onion 1 or 2 EVOO celery
1 peeled sweet potato small pieces, 1 can diced tomatoes, then add 6 cups
veggie or chicken broth. l can chick peas 1-2 cups red shredded cabbage
season: parsley, salt, pepper, cumin, cayanne pepper, when almost cooked
add 1/4 ww tiny pasta. In a large pot let simmer.
Sorry this is Aria...forgot 2 tlbs lentils 2 tlbs brown rice. the Veggie Soup Stew.
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