What's cooking for Wednesday 11/9/16?

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JoAnn L.

Master Chef
Jun 3, 2006
upper midwest
Tonight it's sauerkraut with spareribs and some sliced Polish Kielbasa. I serve this with buttered mashed potatoes. One of my favorite meals. :yum:
My daughter made potato mash, for a 4 year old she did really good and I fried some sausage ( falukorv) and then had corn to it.
I really want chicken soup but not sure I want to go shopping. So it may be pork chops, veggie, mashed and gravy.
Yesterday I made some pizza sausage and some chorizo. Today I cooked up some chorizo to have with diced oven fried sweet potatoes, and salsa, for the carb eaters. I had some leftover chicken soup with a few spoonfuls of chorizo.
Chicken tenders in bacon pesto cream sauce, with artichokes and roast red pepper, served over spinach linguine. Rosemary and olive oil dutch oven bread.
I just made a small casserole dish of macaroni and cheese. Used up chunks of sharp cheddar, Monterey jack, and smoked gouda. Steamed broccoli (or maybe asparagus) will be the veggie side.
I feel like I'm getting a cold. DD decided to order pizza and we'll make soup tomorrow.
Spinach salad with most of the yellow oyster mushrooms, bacon, sauteed red onion, blue cheese, roasted potatoes and a vinaigrette dressing.
As a matter of fact, many states DID go to pot, Massachusetts included.

P.S. I didn't know McDonald's slow the stuff.

California too Andy. It's never done a thing for me, but I'm shocked it took Ca. this long.

Funny enough, I'm doing low carb "Crack Slaw" with pulled pork tonight.
Steamed Jasmine rice for the SC.
Threw together a bunch of elderly vegetables along with past its prime parsley, for some chicken noodle soup.
We leave the timeshare Friday morning, so Wednesday's are typical "clean the fridge day". Yes, I have leftovers even when we're on vacation. :wacko:

Made salad, Himself finished his grouper and french fries, I had four coconut shrimp - half of last night's dinner. We also tried a small piece of TJ's fresh smoked salmon. Haven't noticed it at our smaller TJ's, so I picked it up along with a grinder of Everyday Seasoning. Seared the salmon in some TJ's olive oil with the seasoning. Not bad!

For dessert we had wine. For some reason, Himself thinks we need to finish both 3-liter boxes before we pack up. :ermm: I fully intend to remove the bags from the boxes and pack them into the cooler for the trip home.
Congratulations. I s'pose I should move to Ca/ Ma/Nv. I say, why bother, pretty sooon it will work it's way to fly-over land. Pfft. Why wait for that day!

Tonight was Wednesday. We did burgers on the grill with packet potatoes and half a halved acorn squashes warmed on the grill. Make shift lights hung on the bird feeders with extension cords. More functional than romantic. We ate in the kitchen. Dx brought over an apple pie from our own apples.

This is too embarrassing for the breakfast thread and I doubt there is a mid-night- raid-the-refrigerator thread. Breakfast will include (additional) apple pie and ice cream.

glory be.
I found a couple salmon filets in the freezer (still working on eating from the freezer and pantry), so I pan-seared them and glazed them with a mixture of honey-sriracha balsamic vinegar and honey from our hives. Served it over rice medley pilaf with onions, garlic and bell peppers and green beans simmered with Penzeys Fox Point seasoning and chicken broth. I also topped the green beans with pickled bell pepper and cucumber for a little zing.


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