What's been happening in my life (Beth's Story)

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Hey Miss Beth...Just wanted to say Hi, and "show off" my new Bush Hog "Squealer"....I've only used it once...Wow!....what a difference from the old scrap iron one...Really!! What a dangerous piece of junk I was using...If DW hadn't have insisted...I'd prolly woulda tried to get another year out of the old one....Anyway, just want to say Hi and to take care....Think of y'all often!
Stay in Touch!

okay, still trying to get dh to deal with end of life issues, and he is doing pretty well. He has signed the forms to leave his body to Ohio University for research. The selling point for the tightwad was this will incur the family no expenses at all. The University will pick up his body and mail me the ashes when they are finished. Other universities charge for transport of the body and to return the ashes. I was interested in Ohio State University where a great amount of cancer research takes place, but the no cost option won out.

Just noticed a heavy metal rock star died over the weekend from stomach cancer. I have had a hard time learning how the end plays out. He was diagnosed last summer with early stage stomach cancer, had radiation, was considered beneficial in his case, then he died. In any case, he did not last one year from diagnosis, and with treatment. It has become easy for us to overlook dh's condition because he still functions relatively well....and then we read a story like this..

A book that has been a great help to me is "Dying Well, Peace and Possibilities at the End of Life" written by a Hospice doctor. Even before he knew he had cancer, dh would say he was going to check out, if he ever found himself in a debilitated state. This book directly addresses common fears, especially suicide and not wanting to be a burden on caretakers. It can be a blessing for caretakers to be given the opportunity to care for their loved ones as they lay dying, and this book clearly explains this from both perspectives.

Work on the house exterior continues. Rain has stalled a few projects. The last project on the exterior of the house will be to replace the stationary glass panes in the greenhouse. That will be in a couple of weeks.

Blackie, our tuxedo cat continues to provide comfort to dh. She is let in the house every morning for a while, before going outside for the day. He holds her while he eats his oatmeal every morning.

We are back going over financial stuff. We switched homeowners insurance agents and upgraded our policies. Also he made a spreadsheet (he wanted me to make it:ohmy:) that will show if it pays to take social security benefits early or late. It appears to be beneficial for me to start taking them at age 62 rather than 70.

Dh says he is operating at about 80% of his past energy level. Some days he feels really bad and other days he feels okay. Last week was bad, but this week is tolerable. He is wavering if he can make the motorcycle trip to New England with his brother in July. He is eyeing some BMW rallies in Kentucky and Alabama in the next two weeks. He says what he really wants to spend time doing is working at home, or riding his motorcycle.

And some photos....one for Uncle Bob of my 6 foot cut bush hog:)...painting the house and the greenhouse glass that will be replaced..


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I never cease to be amazed at your calm and resilience, Beth. Please know that both of you are in my prayers daily.

Sending you hugs.
Thanks for the up date Miss Beth!! I've been thinking about you. ~~~ Sounds like y'all have been busy --- My Mother would say..."You've been as busy as a Bee in a Tar Bucket!!:LOL: Bravo on finishing up with the exterior projects before it gets so blasted hot!! ~~~ Love the pictures of the work in progress and the new bush hog!!!

Take Care.......
We are in the final stages of completing the projects dh wanted to do around the homestead. Yesterday the glass in the greenhouse was switched out, right before we were hit with major thunderstorms, and nearly 3 inches of rain. Photos are of the glass coming out, the condition of the glass that was installed 24 years ago, the last pane installed and the almost completed job.

He is off today on his motorcycle to Nashville to see his mom and one brother. We have reservations to visit Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wrights creation in SW PA, (will drive a car and stay in a B&B) and then a trip with his other brother on their motorcycles somewhere.


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Thanks for the update Miss Beth...The new glass in the green house looks very nice...Pretty picture!! ~~~ Thunderstorms are everywhere....almost a daily thing here....We don't always get rain, but can hear thunder rumbling in the distance....One afternoon it rained 3 1/2 inches in no time...water was everywhere...ditches over flowing, water across the roads...It want be much longer and it will get to the point where you can't buy a drop of rain...Grrrrrrrrr! ~~ Anyway, it's good to hear that DH is riding and visiting his mom...Your upcoming trip sounds like fun too!!!

Take Care and Stay in Touch!!!
Beth, the greenhouse looks great. We are having rain most afternoons and like Uncle Bob says, even if it doesn't rain - there is thunder about. Everything is blooming its' head off here but I know soon it will be so hot that nothing feels like blooming. Take care and enjoy your trip. I really admire what you and your dh are doing.
Hey Miss Beth!! Just wanted to say Hi, and say I wuz thinkin about y'all. ~~~ It is HOT in Mississippi and it's just starting. Check in when you can!
Thanks for the update Beth. I've just read your thread. Sad to know what you are encountering now. You'll be in my prayers together with rich. Take care always.
Thanks for asking Uncle Bob!

The good news is we just returned from a wonderful visit to Fallingwater. We spent about 7 hours on the grounds, including lunch and a nap in the car;). Our tour of the house lasted 2 hours, but we could stay on the grounds until closing. But once the house tour was over, we could not get back into the house...very tight security there because the family left all their furnishings/antiques/Tiffany lamps/art work/etc. in place.

The bad news is dh has decided he can no longer travel anywhere, he is home for good. For the first time, he has encountered times where he could not eat or drink anything. He has cancelled his motorcycle trip with his brother to New England. And because of this, he has started taking the heavy duty medicines.

Here's a few photos from Fallingwater..


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Beth, I'm glad you both enjoyed the trip and sorry dh isn't able to do the things he planned but I'm sure there will be plenty to do closer to home. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Oh Beth,
Im sorry to hear this. I've got you both in my heart and in my prayers.I hope you know just how much you both are loved. May HE keep you close and may you have peace.
Hey Miss Beth!! ~~ As I began reading your lines, I guess the blood of some distant and ancient ancestor flowed through my brain as I immediately had visions of a waterfall and and a beautiful Indian maiden named Fallingwater...Then as quickly as the vision appeared it was swept away by the realization that it was just an ole house!!:LOL:
I admit I had to go to Google to check the place out! ...Only after the Google Tour did I realize it wasn't just any ole house, but a very special and beautiful ole house. Wow! I know y'all had a grand time there..It seems so restful and peaceful...I bet you hated to leave ~~ Sorry that DH doesn't feel like taking any long trips now...maybe you can work in a few short day trips hear and there. Sometimes those are the best kind!

Continue to take care, and stay in touch!!!!
Words come and go and I can't seem to form the right sentences ... I'll simply say that my heart and my prayers are with you and Rich. The pictures are wonderful; thanks for sharing them. They are truly a gift for all of us!
Hi KE!!...nice to hear from you.....I would think it is kinda hard to chime in on this thread, really, what can one say? I really appreciate knowing folks are pulling for us..

We are assessing Rich's condition for a few days, hoping his symptoms subside. He was on the road for most of the last two weeks and he always has done better at home.

I was the one to choose Fallingwater as a destination and even though Rich was excited to go, he was surprised at the effect it had on him. Yes, we did not want to leave. He felt he was in the presence of a great place. He has designed a few homes himself so he was quite interested in the house. And we both had read many books on Fallingwater over the years.

If he feels up to it, I have the next destination picked out.....Batson Cemetery :huh: in rural Henry County Indiana. I have been there many times to visit my ancestors, and have stayed in a lovely old home in Richmond Indiana. Before I had decided on Fallingwater, Rich had suggested an ancestral cemetery of mine.

But right now we are trying to get a pound or two back on the boy......not easy considering he is out mowing right now:ohmy::)
Hi KE!!...nice to hear from you.....I would think it is kinda hard to chime in on this thread, really, what can one say? I really appreciate knowing folks are pulling for us..

But right now we are trying to get a pound or two back on the boy......not easy considering he is out mowing right now:ohmy::)

Consumption of tapioca with heavy cream can put on a few pounds. Just bought a bunch through Amazon.
Consumption of tapioca with heavy cream can put on a few pounds. Just bought a bunch through Amazon.

jpb, we wish it was that easy, but it is not. His main manifestion of stomach cancer is the inability to eat. Dh would give just about anything to be able to sit down and eat a bowl of anything. He physically can't. He has a pressure coming up from his stomach.
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