What is your weather like right now?

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21 degrees, snow approaching. AGAIN.
Got 2 inches yesterday, supposed to get about 5 overnight.
It's supposed to get up to fifty and rain all day here tomorrow....
This after low twenties yesterday and low thirties today. Stupid weather.
It's supposed to get up to fifty and rain all day here tomorrow....
This after low twenties yesterday and low thirties today. Stupid weather.

Hey, pacanis, why are you stealing our weather? Just about the same here. Even a prediction of thunderstorms. Sheesh! It's 52 F here right now and it's 6 p.m.

Next, rain/snow tomorrow and Wednesday, then colder again.
A nice balmy 72* --- Some light rain --- Under a Tornado Watch -- Tornado Warings across the River in Louisiana Now ---- Gonna be a bumpy ride for the next 12 hours or so....
Cold and rainy. Possible snow tonight.

Would rather be back in the great white north where we spent the weekend. This is what we woke up to Friday morning, and it kept coming down....


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Yep. Been pouring here ALL day, too. So I guess watching the movie The River kind of fit right in. Maybe I can find Hard Rain on the tube next (lol).
At least it melted the sheet of ice I woke up to this morning.
Cold and rainy. Possible snow tonight.

Would rather be back in the great white north where we spent the weekend. This is what we woke up to Friday morning, and it kept coming down....

Looks like Peek n Peak ski resort Ronjohn, but then, all ski resorts pretty much look the same:)
Just got really cold and windy at noon today... possible snow and sleet tonight. Looks like another work from home day tomorrow!
WHAT A DAY! I can't beleive it's two weeks before christmas. Shorts and tee shirts. Flowers. Mid to upper 70's and not a cloud in the sky. Wee doggie wants to go to the park for a scamper. So does me!
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