What Do You Do With Your SPAM®?

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I tried to explain what SPAM was to my DIL who had never heard of it.
I said it's canned meat, but more processed, sorta like a pork Corned Beef in a can but with texture like bologna.

I got a weird look and then an even more incredible look when I told her it comes from Hawaii, first created during the war as rations for soldiers. The Hawaiians and mainland Americans love it! and have a gazillion recipes using it. :LOL:

They don't know who Roy Rogers was either.. :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:
I competed in a few SPAM contests.

I did "surf and turf" skewers once with SPAM and shrimp, and some red onlons. Not bad.

The best thing I made were SPAM and cheddar sliders. I grilled the SPAM, stacked it in two layers, melted cheese on it, and put it on slider rolls. They were really tasty.




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I keep a can or two on the shelf but probably don't open more than two cans a year.
  • I do like it in a toasted breakfast sandwich with egg and cheese.
  • Have tried it in taco but didn't care for that much.
  • Tried it with fried potatoes but if I'm gonna open a can for that it will be corned beef.
  • In my opinion its a poor substitute for sausage, ham, or bacon as a separate breakfast meat.
I leave it at the grocery where it can become someone else's Spam.
I love Spam.. Have been eating it, occasionally, since I was a kid..

I don't have it often but, there is always a can in the pantry for the craving which pops up here and there..

Mom would bake it like a ham with a mustard and brown sugar glaze. She would sometimes fry it up in slices to serve with eggs. Haven't had any in several years. Maybe I'll pick some up next time I'm at the store and try it again.
I won a contest once with a SPAM casserole. I don't recall exactly how I made it, but it was pretty good. I couldn't find a photo in my archives, but found one with a search online. It had a Photobucket stamp on it that I photoshopped out (quickly and badly). I never put it on Photobucket, so I don't know how it got there. :ermm:




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I won a contest once with a SPAM casserole. I don't recall exactly how I made it, but it was pretty good. I couldn't find a photo in my archives, but found one with a search online. It had a Photobucket stamp on it that I photoshopped out (quickly and badly). I never put it on Photobucket, so I don't know how it got there. :ermm:



... and the squirrel?
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