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Just finished up with all my work.
The dust bunnies collected from under the fridge had me wondering if we had a cat! That was sooooo gross.:ohmy:

Now to txt my SIL and see how her Instant Pot daily creation is going.
From now on I'll be more careful in the gifts I buy for people.
She loves it.
Pilots N Paws Flight

We picked up an older Golden retriever and 2 Chihuahuas in Fullerton CA, and flew them up to Santa Maria. We then met a lady and her friend who were going to fly them the rest of the way to Vacaville in the Bay Area.
The funniest part was when we got home my copilots dog gave him the sniff test, smelt other dogs, and would not have anything to do with him


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Spike was here with Teddy, of course. And it looks like Teddy is spending the night again at the doggie B&B. I am beginning to think I have become the owner of a Maltese and Spike is the dog walker. But I don't mind. I do love the little bugger. I just can't figure out why he loves to sleep in the dark closet.

Right now though I need to decide between a nap or go out to the kitchen and make some dough for Spike and his calzones. I think the nap is going to win.
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We picked up an older Golden retriever and 2 Chihuahuas in Fullerton CA, and flew them up to Santa Maria. We then met a lady and her friend who were going to fly them the rest of the way to Vacaville in the Bay Area.
The funniest part was when we got home my copilots dog gave him the sniff test, smelt other dogs, and would not have anything to do with him

I have the same problem when I go to Mom's, she has dog (Jethro) and cat (Cow Kitty)...my cats won't have anything to do with me.

My continued appreciation for your voluntary service to our furry companions.
I have the same problem when I go to Mom's, she has dog (Jethro) and cat (Cow Kitty)...my cats won't have anything to do with me.

My continued appreciation for your voluntary service to our furry companions.

Violet gives me the stink-eye every time I even look at another dog in the park. There is an awesome Pit pup named Eh'sia (pronounced Asia but the guy wanted to pay tribute to his two heritages - Asian and Canadian eh!). Anyway she always comes up to me wiggling her bum and giving me nose kisses. Violet will push her out of the way and just stand there staring ME down! LOL! And if one of the little ones jumps up on me, Violet's head goes on my lap (all that will fit there).

And Souschef, I too salute you for all you do to help re-home these precious creatures.

I am trying to get a little work done both around the house and on the computer while I have a brief reprieve between Violet's doses of medicine. She is asleep on the balcony right now in total peace.
Getting ready to smoke a Boston butt for pulled pork. I mixed up a batch or rub yesterday and rubbed and refrigerated the butt yesterday. I'll be smoking on the Weber kettle for a few hours (2-3) then moving it to the oven overnight to finish. I figure if I start around 5:00PM or 6:00PM, I can get a full night's sleep and still be OK in the morning.
The only forum where you can talk about rubbing your butt and smoking on the grill without negative feedback or ewwwww!
I was waiting for some CSI episodes to download and they just finished. So I'm off to watch those and eat pistachios while dinner is cooking in the crock pot.
The other day I was mixing up some spices to rub on my pork butt for the pulled pork. The recipe calls for 3 Tb of ground black pepper. Half way through the grind, my Unicorn Magnum Plus broke! ARRRGGGHHHH! I love that pepper mill.

I finished the job with another, slower mill and went right to my computer to order a new one.
Trying to chug down my breakfast smoothie so I can take Violet out and maybe she will stop whining. She didn't want to go at her normal 8:30 am time and now it is 11:30 and I am trying to get some work done. But she's my fur-kid and I love her!
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