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Looking for new homeowners ins.. just found out that we have been dropped .. 6 years.. no claims.. but they are dropping everyone who doesnt have life and auto and home.. also cant sign up now.. not real happy.. good thing i know a few people..

So what happens to those that don't own a home or/and auto? That really sucks!

Sounds like something All State would do. They are refusing to pay the full amount for homes lost to Sandy. :angel:
Wow, that stinks, Q. It doesn't seem they should be able to do that.
I hope you don't have a problem with your dogs and a new company.
Wow, that stinks, Q. It doesn't seem they should be able to do that.
I hope you don't have a problem with your dogs and a new company.

I shouldnt... The company is downsizing.. going back to covering just farms.. i work with a lot of ins. companies so it should be pretty easy..
I am just now doing the weekly menu and searching for some new recipes to try out, which I do once a week, grab a handful of new ones :)
Just want to make sure you all get the word -- only a few days left in the Great FL Snake Hunt. The hunters, both amateur and professional, have only bagged 41 Burmese Pythons out of estimated thousands! C'mon down!
How about a pretty spider?


  • Golden Spider.jpg
    Golden Spider.jpg
    46.4 KB · Views: 164
How about a pretty spider?

That is pretty!

The snake thing is a real problem, isn't it. I don't mind snakes, actually like them, but it's terrible what they're doing to the Glades and to some of the Caribbean islands.
How about a pretty spider?

There is no such thing as a pretty spider. They are all ugly, venomous creatures that sneak into our bedroom at night and give us nightmares... so I've heard :ermm:

As I sit here watching Spiderman :LOL:
That is pretty!

The snake thing is a real problem, isn't it. I don't mind snakes, actually like them, but it's terrible what they're doing to the Glades and to some of the Caribbean islands.


There's a 3 foot long or so little black snake that shares my yard. We get along just fine. As with most critters out there, if we'll just leave them alone....that said -

The tegu lizard is also becoming a problem over on the southeast coast, from critter-catcher programs I see on the animal channel. They snarf up the little pets they can catch and are generally nasty guys. I don't look forward to their spread, either.

There's a 3 foot long or so little black snake that shares my yard. We get along just fine. As with most critters out there, if we'll just leave them alone....that said -

The tegu lizard is also becoming a problem over on the southeast coast, from critter-catcher programs I see on the animal channel. They snarf up the little pets they can catch and are generally nasty guys. I don't look forward to their spread, either.

I had to look up tegu lizards. Sheesh, you guys can't catch a break! Another disasterous pet release. I like lizards, but 4 to 5 foot reptiles snarfing up turtle eggs and native birds, with a lifespan of ~20 years.....
Did I mention the Nile monitor lizards and iguanas?

But I'm sure no one will mistake me for one of them; a hazard up yonder when ladies go out in their fuzzy robes & get mistaken for bears.
Our cats keep all critters out of our yard & surronding block around us. : )

Munching on some pistashio's this afternoon & watching the food network. Starting to think all that bacon is looking like a good lunch very soon.
been reading this thread for almost an hour now....needed to catch up. Fun!

I'm recovering from emergency heart surgery, a triple bypass, this is my 3rd week at home....beginning to get bored, so I must be feeling better, huh?

Been reading Neil Young's 'Waging Heavy Peace'. I feel as if I've been living with him for the past week or so.....his writing goes down smoothly, like a good ....well, smoothie!

Watching blustery weather outside, and one lone beaver, come up from his watery hibernation to take down little trees, drag 'em underwater.....strange to see in winter.


hi again, soma. just checking in on you, see how you're doing today... i saw that gorgeous hunk of beef you posted on the dinner thread--lucky girl! that's a great marrow bone in there, too. i'd be tempted to make a whole separate meal (pac's recipe w/a parsley spread and crusty bread) with that marrow bone--big yum! i'm with bt and rock's cooking suggestions for your beef shank--a basic french beef stew. i'd add red wine and a bouquet of herbs de provence. is wine on your 'good' list of foods? "they" say that red wine is supposed to have some heart-healthy properties....:)

oh, and thank you, soma, for suggesting neil young's book. i have been a big fan of his music, and now with your stamp of approval, i decided to indulge in a groundhog day gift to myself with the nook book today--most any excuse will work, to to avoid the familiar guilt pangs....:)
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Just want to make sure you all get the word -- only a few days left in the Great FL Snake Hunt. The hunters, both amateur and professional, have only bagged 41 Burmese Pythons out of estimated thousands! C'mon down!

Sorry, I won't go looking for them...maybe they'll leave me alone.
Did I mention the Nile monitor lizards and iguanas?

But I'm sure no one will mistake me for one of them; a hazard up yonder when ladies go out in their fuzzy robes & get mistaken for bears.

I prefer my yard pests with fur on them...I can handle bears and deer.
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