What are you baking today?

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Got up this morning and decided to bake something for breakfast. My Dad alternates breakfasts. One day he has cereal and the next day it is either a scone, an english muffin or, in season hot cross buns. He buys all of these from the grocery store.

I decided on some raisin scones and got them in the oven just as he came out of his room. I said "scones for breakfast", with a smile. He said "can I have hot cross buns instead please". There was a half a minute silence and I said well, how about a hot cross while you are waiting for the scones to come out of the oven".

He perked up and said "oh, home made? Scones please!".
I am going to try some Lemon Blossoms by Paula Dean. I love anything that is sweet and has some lemon in it. I thought I would make these little muffins and bring some to my family for Easter. I know my dad and sisters will eat them up, but I'm sure my mom will try one and that will be it.
Blueberry scones! A healthier version using canola oil instead of butter, equally delicious!! :chef:
p.s. please excuse my not-so-good picture taking skills. :rolleyes:




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GF? Gold-filled? Ginger-fruit? What are GF muffins? I probably already know but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.

Ha ha, sorry, Katie! No, I sprinkled some gold dust on Christmas cookies but in this case GF is gluten free. I shouldn't be lazy and should type it out!
Son In Law brought me some pears HINT HINT so will be making some pear bread for all of us.

Son In Law brought me some pears HINT HINT so will be making some pear bread for all of us.


Oh, Kades, I forgot to tell you that your pear bread was a HUGE hit at the ladies' tea. The only change I made was to switch raisins for the nuts (though I made one for us with nuts) because we already had Dave the Baker's butter pecan bread and a muffin with nuts on the menu. The change up was quite nice - I like it both ways!
Oh, Kades, I forgot to tell you that your pear bread was a HUGE hit at the ladies' tea. The only change I made was to switch raisins for the nuts (though I made one for us with nuts) because we already had Dave the Baker's butter pecan bread and a muffin with nuts on the menu. The change up was quite nice - I like it both ways!
Glad it worked for you It's a nice bread and seems to stay moist quite well. I've not used the raisins, but have put in chocolate chips and also dried cranberries. Will have to try the raisins.
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