What’s on the menu Sunday 7/1/2018?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Going up to 97F+ today. It will be IP cooking or take out for the next few days which are expected to be hot also.
Canada Day Dinner

It's hot and humid here today, so it's beer drinking weather. In honor (honour?) of our Canadian friends, I'll have to pick up a six of Molson Canadian. A/C is on, so outdoor cooking today. Chicken breasts on the grill, potato salad I made yesterday, and a green salad.
It’s already 96F with heat index of 102F. 3 heat and air quality warnings in effect till tomorrow night. Yikes! Definitely no cooking tonight. I wish there were still Chicken Delight restaurants around.
It’s already 96F with heat index of 102F. 3 heat and air quality warnings in effect till tomorrow night. Yikes! Definitely no cooking tonight. I wish there were still Chicken Delight restaurants around.

It's 101 here. No heat index. 101 is enough.

I don't know what I am going to cook. I have to go to Kroger to buy some poodle food -- psycho-poodle is staring at his empty bowl. He is acting like he hasn't eaten in weeks. Maybe there will be something good in the Manager's Special section of the meat department.

Today is Canada Day here, so we're having peameal bacon on a bun for dinner, and the quintessential Canadian dessert - butter tarts!
Happy Canada Day to you, SmoothBites, and all of our DC friends north of the border. Stay cool!

Today is also "Bobby Bonilla Day", a kinda celebration of baseball and a clever agent who negotiated a great payout deal for a player getting cut before the end of his contract.

In celebration of baseball, we'll have hot dog...buns. :ermm: Himself grabbed those instead of slider buns when we had "Allentown BBQ". No dogs, though. Ours will be filled with either tuna salad or chicken salad. Tossed greens salad on the side. Nice, cold food...
Earlier today our neighbor set up an electric rotisserie cabinet on their deck. It has five skewers arranged vertically with a big electric heating element on the back wall. They cooked chicken wings, sausages and beef.

Well, our original plan was to have breakfast for dinner. Specifically, hash and eggs. Then, our Brazilian neighbors dropped off a big plate full of rotisserie cooked beef and sausage with bread. When she brought over the food, she commented this how we barbecue in Brazil.
Pan fried rib eye and asparagus.. Simple and delicious..


  • Rib eye and asparagus..jpg
    Rib eye and asparagus..jpg
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I went to Kroger, and they have a small selection of Tastycakes products, and every once in a while, they have Butterscotch Krimpets. Today was one of those days. I bought two packages. I ate the fist one as soon as I got home, and gave psycho-poodle his very first taste of Tastycakes Butterscotch Krimpets. He was very happy.

So, now it is on to dinner. I'm going to grill up a chuck patty and make a bagel burger, with white American cheese, and some sliced jalapeños from my garden. I may also make some jalapeño poppers.

Being Canada Day and all, jalapeño is pronounced Gell-app-a-know today. (Ricky, Trailer Park Boys). :LOL:

Salmon steaks..gf brought me a few oysters which have been slurped..one seemed a little funky but too late..she's down there swimmin' around. I'll let you know tomorrow..

A little oyster roulette, eh? Good luck, my friend. :ermm:

How do you make your salmon steaks? I dust them with flour, then a Dijon mustard coating, and breadcrumbs, then grilled.

Weatherman blew the forecast today. It was a steamy morning, with a forecast in the high 80's for the afternoon. Wind shifted, and we had a delightful sea breeze this afternoon. A very pleasant mid 70's this evening.
How do you make your salmon steaks? I dust them with flour, then a Dijon mustard coating, and breadcrumbs, then grilled.

Weatherman blew the forecast today. It was a steamy morning, with a forecast in the high 80's for the afternoon. Wind shifted, and we had a delightful sea breeze this afternoon. A very pleasant mid 70's this evening.
light coating of garlic, olive oil, soy sauce, dill, black pepper..then fresh lemon juice before eating..heat cast iron pan, salmon skin side down then oven..400 degrees..about 6-10 minutes
salmon skin side down then oven
Maybe it's a difference between Canadianese and Americanese, but that sounds like filets (in Americanese). What is sold here as steaks is cut vertically through the fish (90 degrees from the back bone). Not that easy to find, as salmon is mostly sold as filets.
Maybe it's a difference between Canadianese and Americanese, but that sounds like filets (in Americanese). What is sold here as steaks is cut vertically through the fish (90 degrees from the back bone). Not that easy to find, as salmon is mostly sold as filets.
yeah..you are right..we call both filets...I do, anyway:LOL:
Maybe it's a difference between Canadianese and Americanese, but that sounds like filets (in Americanese). What is sold here as steaks is cut vertically through the fish (90 degrees from the back bone). Not that easy to find, as salmon is mostly sold as filets.

I don't think I have ever seen salmon steaks, as you describe them. Just filets. Tuna steaks are pretty common here, in really good stores.

There used to be a restaurant here that had chicken fried tuna steaks on the menu. They were a favorite of a former Texas Governor. They were awesome. Breaded and shallow fried. It was quite possibly the most perfect way to cook a super lean meat like tuna. I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but I do remember the chicken fried tuna.

105F here now at 5:30PM, not too bothered with it though as it's cool inside. I had a taco salad this afternoon and will probably have a bowl of chilled watermelon this evening. Maybe some ice cream a little later. :)
Mid 80's here today so I feel for you guys dealing with that heat!

We had killer cheeseburgers on toasted buns with avocado/red onion/tomato and secret sauce. We needed a bath when done.
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