Wendy's says bye to Biggie

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

From article:

At rival McDonald's Corp. (NYSE:MCD - news), the largest burger chain, a 32 ounce soft drink is designated a large. At Wendy's, a 32 ounce drink will now be called medium, instead of Biggie.

Wendy's is also adding a 42-ounce soft drink -- the equivalent of 3-1/2 cans of soda -- as its large. The large drink will come in a more durable, portable plastic cup that fits in a car cup holder for diners on-the-go.

"We felt like the Biggie designation is not what most customers were used to. Most people were used to small, medium and large," a spokesman said.

Wendy's had used the term Biggie since the early 1990s.

Previously, Wendy's sold a 16 ounce soft drink as a small, a 20 ounce soft drink as medium and a 32 ounce soft drink as Biggie. Now, a 20 ounce drink is a small, a 32 ounce drink is a medium and the new 42 ounce drink is a large. The company will still sell a 16 ounce drink on its 99 cent value menu.

At McDonald's, a 16 ounce drink is called a small, a 21 ounce drink is a medium and a 32 ounce drink is a large.

They have changed what oil they use and now they also want to drop the use of the word Biggie.

A 42 ounce drink is now a large at Wendy's!!!! I guess they want you to float on home after you finish it.
I honestly wished they would come out with more minis!!! Like Ruby Tuesday's mini burgers? Yum... smaller is better!
My local news reported that Wendys biggie sizes will now be their standard medium size - !!! I rarely rarely eat there - but to me this is a just putting lipstick on a pig. They aren't concerned about healthful eating, just selling more junk to the gullible public.
Toots said:
My local news reported that Wendys biggie sizes will now be their standard medium size - !!! I rarely rarely eat there - but to me this is a just putting lipstick on a pig. They aren't concerned about healthful eating, just selling more junk to the gullible public.

Well now, would you say the same thing about everyone who posts here with recipes for candy, cookies, cakes, sweets, fried foods, butter ladened dishes, etc.? The responsibility for healthy eating lies with each individual and not with the server or the cook. It would be nice if we could blame our woes, foibles and problems on someone else, but sooner or later we need to take personal responsibility for our own fate.
Toots said:
My local news reported that Wendys biggie sizes will now be their standard medium size - !!! I rarely rarely eat there - but to me this is a just putting lipstick on a pig. They aren't concerned about healthful eating, just selling more junk to the gullible public.

Yup! I once saw something totaly ludricous at a Hardee's restaurant about a year back. They were selling this "low-carb" burger which used a large piece of iceburgh lettuse in place of a bun, the idea of which is to get rid of the processed flour carbs. And with it (now this is the truly laughable part) they asked if they could increase the size of the fries order that came with the burger.

i am totally appalled by big buisness' quest for the dollar. They will kill people by degrees to get it. I rarely go to fast food places and am a very wary shopper at the store. Pre-cooked, pre-processed foods don't much enter my home, except the occasional pizza from a good pizza joint.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Its not just Wendy's making these changes. It’s seen in restaurants all over. It’s what nutritionists commonly refer to as "portion distortion." What were once smaller portions are becoming larger. I can't blame the restaurants for going along with what the consumers want. If a customer wants a bigger portion then they will get it. The point of business to make money. The consumer usually gets what they want in the end. The people are the ones who need to make the change. If they didn't buy it, it wouldn't be sold. The only way to change the way restaurants serve their food is to get the consumer to change their attitudes about eating.
sattie said:
I honestly wished they would come out with more minis!!! Like Ruby Tuesday's mini burgers? Yum... smaller is better!
Burger King, I think it was, maybe 12 years ago or so had what they called burger buddies. They were two mini burgers stuck together. They were pretty cool.
Have any of you seen Supersize Me (i think that's its name) the movie about mc donalds food experiment. At same time, I think its a matter of choices. I like going to burger king and getting whopper jr instead of honking huge double whopper, but hubby still doubles up... oh well...
Ripliancum said:
Burger King, I think it was, maybe 12 years ago or so had what they called burger buddies. They were two mini burgers stuck together. They were pretty cool.

I have become such a fan of it that I make mini burgers at home now. Lots easier to fix and cleanup and not as hard to eat as a regular size burger.

I am surprised that more resturants/fast food chains don't do this. In a way, it caters to those folks that want to eat less or the same person that would order a biggie would order more mini's!

I am not much for fast food myself.... I like chik-fil-a (sp?) once in a while, and that is about it.
Trip said:
Have any of you seen Supersize Me (i think that's its name) the movie about mc donalds food experiment. At same time, I think its a matter of choices. I like going to burger king and getting whopper jr instead of honking huge double whopper, but hubby still doubles up... oh well...

I like when he gets the Mc Gurgles! :LOL:
Trip said:
Have any of you seen Supersize Me (i think that's its name) the movie about mc donalds food experiment. At same time, I think its a matter of choices. I like going to burger king and getting whopper jr instead of honking huge double whopper, but hubby still doubles up... oh well...

Yea I just saw it like 3 weeks ago right after getting a summer job at McDonalds. Even after having seen the film and working there, I'm still not convinced to totally boycott the place. To me, all the preservatives and stuff don't make any difference. What I do care about is the high fat and calorie content of the food. So you do have to make wise choices when eating fast food.
sattie said:
I have become such a fan of it that I make mini burgers at home now. Lots easier to fix and cleanup and not as hard to eat as a regular size burger.

I am surprised that more resturants/fast food chains don't do this. In a way, it caters to those folks that want to eat less or the same person that would order a biggie would order more mini's!

I am not much for fast food myself.... I like chik-fil-a (sp?) once in a while, and that is about it.

Have you ever seen a White Castle restaurant? It is a chain in the East and Midwest. Their whole business is based upon mini burgers. Customers just buy them by the bagful.


Here is their nutritional information page:

Trip said:
Have any of you seen Supersize Me (i think that's its name) the movie about mc donalds food experiment. At same time, I think its a matter of choices. I like going to burger king and getting whopper jr instead of honking huge double whopper, but hubby still doubles up... oh well...

Yeah I saw it. I loved the DVD extra where he testes all the food to see how long before it got moldy.

The McDonalds fries were not even moldy after like 10 weeks of just sitting in the canister to rot.
Yeah I saw it. I loved the DVD extra where he testes all the food to see how long before it got moldy.

The McDonalds fries were not even moldy after like 10 weeks of just sitting in the canister to rot.

A show on Australian TV did the same sort of thing. They bought a cheeseburger 3 years ago and stored it. After 3 years had passed they went out and bought a fresh one, it looked exactly the same.

Can't remember the last time I ate anything from a commercial fast food place, and I turn it down whenever I'm offered regardless of whether it may offend since I am a guest at another person's house (with their permission I just go into the kitchen and make myself something).
so, does this mean that wendy's will now have a small, medium, and large?

it annoys me when a place sells medium, large, and even larger sized portions.
you can't have a medium unless there's a small and a large.
Aurora said:
Have you ever seen a White Castle restaurant? It is a chain in the East and Midwest. Their whole business is based upon mini burgers. Customers just buy them by the bagful.


Here is their nutritional information page:


My hubby swears by them and craves them... but there are none to be found in these neck of the woods. Only frozen in a box. But if I ever get a chance....I am for sure trying them!
Have you people lost your minds?

Even considering eating at one of the fast food factoies is disgusting, and actually doing it is a dis-service to your mind and body. If you are a parent taking your kid to one of these places ought to be considered child abuse...
Forget global warming- the fast food industry does more harm, world wide than all the other CO2 emissions ever could.

Thare I feel better now. Actually I eat a Wendy's HB once a year or so and so far it has not hurt me too much. I swore off McD's about 15 years ago- have never been back since except for breakfast on road trips.
I swore off McD's about 15 years or so ago also Hopz aside from the very rare time I will get a sausage biscuit there (less than once a year).

I find the sizes of Wendys sodas ridiculous. the equivalent of 3.5 cans of soda??? No wonder the USA is getting fatter and fatter.
Hopz said:
Have you people lost your minds?

Even considering eating at one of the fast food factoies is disgusting, and actually doing it is a dis-service to your mind and body. If you are a parent taking your kid to one of these places ought to be considered child abuse...
Forget global warming- the fast food industry does more harm, world wide than all the other CO2 emissions ever could.

Thare I feel better now. Actually I eat a Wendy's HB once a year or so and so far it has not hurt me too much. I swore off McD's about 15 years ago- have never been back since except for breakfast on road trips.

Yep, out of my mind... I will try anything once..... ok I do have some boundries.
We do not eat at fast food restaurants very often - so when we do it is considered a treat - like a other sinful foods. However, when I do go, I want a bunch of fries and a big hamburger - I guess I am confessing that I was a biggie fry fan - oh well, at least I'm honest. I will miss the biggie fry :( . I know how bad they are for me, but like I said, we don't go there very often at all.
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