Venison Roast

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I have a 2+ pound venison roast thawing in the fridge. Looks like it is from the hind quarter, no fat, no bone, pure muscle. I am looking for suggestions of what to do with this roast.

I'm looking at pressure cooker, slow cooker, and oven recipes, but have not been inspired yet. Except for a slow cooker recipe that I would add potatoes, carrots, and onions too. If I went that route, should I brown the meat first, or just add raw to the slow cooker?

Any thoughts/suggestions for preparing this?
I would marinate the roast in with spices, red wine, a soy sauce.. etc.

Heat some bacon fat in a dutch oven and sear the roast on all sides then add some onions, garlic, carrots, celery, potatoes to the pot with some stock, some red wine and slow roast until medium.
I'm out the door, but some quick thoughts...Fry some bacon...reserve. Brown the roast in the drippings...Leave the Crock pot in the cabinet!! Slowly braise in the oven or on top of the stove....Stud the roast with lots of gahlic!! ....Par boil the carrots...(I personally don't like the sweet taste)...lots of onions...potatoes (sweet ones too???) in towards the end so as not to over cook...crumble the bacon in...dry red wine, beef/chicken/vegetable stock for liquid...Lots of fresh black pepper....A few Juniper berries if ya wanna and have them...(Cuts back on the game flavor somewhat) Lipton's Onion soup mix another option....Bourbon for Cocktails!!!

I'm off to see what kind of mischief I can get into..........

Have Fun & Enjoy!!
I've cooked a lot of year DH and the grandson killed 8 deer between them.
I agree with the method Jeff and Bob have suggested, with one suggestion. If you don't care for red wine (we don't), tomatoes do great things for venison.
I agree with Bob and constance and Jeff. I especially liked the part about leaving the crock pot in the cabinet. :LOL: The absolute worst thing you cand do to venison is overcook it. I like to marinate it, braise it and cook it with some mushrooms.
How are you, Lyn? nice to see you around here. :chef:

I am keeping outta trouble June.....that counts for heaps!! lolol..;)
Hope you are doing well??

I have tried some of the venison recipes listed, there sure are tons of them. Most venison in New Zealand is farmed now which is OK but I do miss the wild venison we had growing up after my father had been out hunting for a few days. Then my poor mum would spend an hour or two panfrying back steaks for all 5 of we kids. :) She only had one frypan!
Mmmmm, venison has never tasted that good since.

xxx Lyn
thanks Lyn for the link, what a selection of great looking recipes..

man, I wish you all could have been here last night for dinner, the roast was delicious, tender, not gamey in the least, but I am sure that had more to do with how the beast was handled before it arrived on my was much more rare than dh prefers, so I just dredged his slices in the juices to hide the blood! and he was good to go. If I had blind tasted this roast, I am not sure I could have identified it as venison...looking forward to the leftovers...THANKS for the recommendations!
I am keeping outta trouble June.....that counts for heaps!! lolol..;)
Hope you are doing well??

I have tried some of the venison recipes listed, there sure are tons of them. Most venison in New Zealand is farmed now which is OK but I do miss the wild venison we had growing up after my father had been out hunting for a few days. Then my poor mum would spend an hour or two panfrying back steaks for all 5 of we kids. :) She only had one frypan!
Mmmmm, venison has never tasted that good since.

xxx Lyn

hangin' in there...

most of the venison we get here comes from Cervena in NZ. Haven't had any wild since I was a little girl.

The farmer I buy poultry from also raises venison. Have never bought any except a carcass for soup and his excellent sausage. Don't quite know why.
Glad to hear that, Beth. How did you end up cooking it?

I marinated it for almost 24 hours with this marinade
Best Venison Marinade-----link to recipe

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon liquid smoke
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon course ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon red hot pepper flakes
3 garlic cloves - crushed
1 tablespoon shredded lemon peel
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup chopped fresh oregano, cilantro, basil or dill. For a variation, mix 2 or all 4
Combine all ingredients in a bowl; whisk or stir together
Makes about 1 cup of venison marinate

Since I don't usually stock wine, I needed to find a wine-less marinade, pretty much followed the above recipe, 'cept added juniper and wild black raspberries..oh, and a splash of Gentleman Jack Daniels:rolleyes:

Seared the roast on all sides in a CI skillet in smoked bacon grease. Placed roast on a bed of onions, deglazed the skillet with the rest of the marinade and poured over the roast. Roasted at about 325*F for a little over one hour. I roasted the white and sweet potatoes in a seperate pan.
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