Tuesday 1/10/2017 What's on the plate Nate?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I need to break down a whole chicken and an 8+lb. Pork shoulder for later use. I also have a bottom round roast. Sooooo dinner maybe stew (or leftover pea soup if I am hurting).
We're out and about so we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken to make chicken noodle soup. I expect to have leftover chicken for a sandwich or two.
I think TB will be having Italian sausages with pan fries and steamed veggies.

I have a toothache so will probably just have some soup.
Enjoying your new grill, K-Girl??

Tonight is our Last Supper, since we're heading back tomorrow. Sadly, Loverly will eat later since she has to Girl Scout leader this evening. ~ We're having smoked pork chops simmered with fresh green beans, and fried cabbage and noodles. Plenty of desserts from Little Italy and West Side Market are looking at my hips...?
I'm cobbling together a casserole. I have a pound of Italian sausage that will need to be chucked in the trash if I don't use it up today. So I'm combining it with a can of fire roasted tomatoes, a bag of cauliflower "rice", and goat cheese.

Visually, I don't expect it will look appealing enough for photos. :LOL:
Taco stand Tacos. We are trying to find the best stand it town. It will take months and months of research. :) :) :)
American Goulash or American Chop Suey, call it as it comes out of the pan. Serving with frozen corn sautéed in butter. Dinner might be a bit carbolicious.
I cleaned out the crispers. Tonight is stir fry--broccoli, carrots, celery, radishes, cabbage, romaine lettuce, onion, mushrooms and red and green pepper slices. Protein is shrimp and a small chicken breast from the freezer, a bit of leftover ham. I will serve that on rice.
Well I think it will be pea soup. Unless DD wants to help prep stew.
We need to use up my fiery chicken nuggets from yesterday. I may need to make a cooling dipping sauce to tame them! No stranger to spicy, but these make flames come out of my ears!
Bone-in split chicken breasts in the pressure cooker. Sauteed two slices diced bacon, then added onions, green bell pepper, and garlic. Added some tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, spices, and then the chicken. Cooked on high for 15 minutes. Served over angel hair, side of green beans. Chicken was moist and tender. Couldn't really pick out the bacon in the sauce, but it was quite flavorful.
Oven roasted Johnsonville Beer Brats with sauteed cabbage/onion/golden bell pepper/apple and wine with caraway seeds. I might make up some glazed carrots too.

I really made a haul with produce at the Dollar store today!
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Kay, you are lucky with your dollar store produce. Ours here is crap. :ermm: :LOL:

Taco Tuesday today. I scrounged through the freezer and found a vacuum sealed package of skirt steak. Thinly sliced and lightly seasoned it with some Penzey's Arizona Dreaming and quickly fried it up, chopped some onion and cilantro, gently fried a couple of corn tortillas in a tiny bit of oil of until they were foldable, and called it good. Delish.

Mango sorbet for dessert. :yum:
Late update

This morning I took two nice thick boneless Pork chops from Costco and rubbed them generously with my own concoction dry rub, park them in the `fridge. I'll grill them and serve with some steamed Broccoli and TJ's Hatch Chile Mac and Cheese :yum:



Both DH and myself decided that we really didn't want too much for supper afterall, so we nixed the veg :)
And did I saw how much I'm lovin my new grill?
I call it my Big Girl Grill :chef:
Congrats on your lovely new grill, K'girl! Looking good!

I need to remember to put in some of my garden peeled-roasted-frozen Anaheim peppers next time I make mac 'n cheese :yum:

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