Today's harvest

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I just prepared soil in an aluminum roasting pan, set inside another roasting pan of the same size. The top pan is sitting on little flattened balls of foil, to lift it for drainage. Many holes are poked into the bottom of the top pan. I put the peas into water to soften overnight, and will sprinkle onto the prepared soil (mixed with work casings and moistened). Tomorrow I'll sow the peas and cover with more soil, and moisten. In two weeks, I should have a bunch of pea sprouts. I see good things ahead for my salads.:yum: Maybe I should sprout some mung beans in the same roasting pan. Hmmm.:ermm:

Seeeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
We harvested our potatoes yesterday. Got five and a half pounds. Not bad for our first time :) Got a few other things as well.


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Thank you, thank you! :) As soon as they get more seed potatoes at the Feed & Seed store, we're going to get some more and enlarge the box a bit.
Thank you, thank you! :) As soon as they get more seed potatoes at the Feed & Seed store, we're going to get some more and enlarge the box a bit.
Have you thought about using straw to plant in, so the potatoes are easier to harvest and stay clean?
Have you thought about using straw to plant in, so the potatoes are easier to harvest and stay clean?

That's a good idea. I'm going to look into that. We just rinsed the dirt right off of these with the hose, though. The garden hod is designed to make it really easy to do that.
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That's a good idea. I'm going to look into that. We just rinsed the dirt right off of these with the hose, though. The garden hod is designed to make it really easy to do that.
I care about the dirt, because ours has a lot of clay and the dirt really sticks.
We used homemade compost, which was really loose and full of earthworms ;)
You know, my plans for growing potatoes in straw included using homemade compost at the bottom of the container as the "dirt". Never thought of using all compost. And, I grow most of my herbs in straight compost. :doh:
We were late planting since we moved, so I just harvested the first of our collards. They will actually contine to thrive thru the summet as long as they get enough water
DH and I took out our garlic, around 1300 plants I guess, it took 3 days, not the best harvest, still nice. Today I took out the cilantro, cut the plants off, so the seeds will fall to the bottom of the bag. Enough for now. All this will be nice to have for cooking. One can never have enough garlic.
I've got half my garlic dug and it also is not a great year. I will change the location this fall, from a raised bed to a low perimeter bed. I have more room in the perimeter beds and I now know which variety stores well for me. I have planted six varieties and I am ready to whittle that down. I am also learning what grows well in in-ground beds and raised beds. All in all, this is a a bumper year so far.
Picked a whole lot of peppers today - green and red bells, poblanos, Cubanelles, jalapeños and Anaheims. Roasting and peeling some Anaheims this afternoon, some to cook now and some to freeze for winter posole :yum:


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Surprisingly, my Shitake mushroom log produced quite a bit of mushrooms for me to pick today. Its been a very dry and hot summer. I just happened to be on that side of the yard doing something else, when I noticed the shrooms coming out of the logs. Usually its spring or fall when its wetter and cooler.


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Thanks, it was a pleasant surprise.
Its one of those things where I spent a whole morning preparing the log ( like 6 months ago and the other 2 years ago) and then just let nature do its thing. I was actually away this weekend, and I had my son taking pics of the logs each day so I could monitor them to see if they needed to be harvested before I got home.
I froze beans today. I am not in Ontario, so I didn't have 25 lb of beans to freeze. I am going to help a friend clear out her garden today (Thursday). She had surgery and is supposed to be on bed rest. Squash, cukes, carrots, potatoes, beets, cantaloupe, watermelon, corn, and tomatoes. Acres of garden to clear--four of us.
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