The Sick Room

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DH has been sick since we came back from MI at Thanksgiving - abdominal pain and bloating, nausea and gas. We thought it might be an infection but he went to the doctor Monday and no positive results from lab tests.

He had the idea tonight that it might be lactose intolerance. I looked it up and people can develop it later in life (he's 62), due to infection and other causes, and his brother has it. I've been reading up on it tonight. We may be in for some big changes.
Well, now I'm wishing it *was* lactose intolerance. DH had a CT scan of the abdomen Thursday and they found masses in his liver. We don't know what they are yet - could be cysts or could be benign or malignant cancer. We couldn't get a biopsy or a more detailed scan scheduled last week, so we won't find out what it is til sometime next week.
Well, now I'm wishing it *was* lactose intolerance. DH had a CT scan of the abdomen Thursday and they found masses in his liver. We don't know what they are yet - could be cysts or could be benign or malignant cancer. We couldn't get a biopsy or a more detailed scan scheduled last week, so we won't find out what it is til sometime next week.
Definitely sending positive thoughts your way. I'm glad they did the CT scan though. Hopefully you find out more soon and that it's cysts. That's not uncommon I believe.
Well, now I'm wishing it *was* lactose intolerance. DH had a CT scan of the abdomen Thursday and they found masses in his liver. We don't know what they are yet - could be cysts or could be benign or malignant cancer. We couldn't get a biopsy or a more detailed scan scheduled last week, so we won't find out what it is til sometime next week.
Fingers crossed, GG. Thinking the best thoughts for DH.
Well we just ran home-tests for covid: hubby is positive and I am negative. Sigh. We both feel pretty good other than still being tired. I feel more rested today though. It's strange, one day I will feel pretty normal and the next I feel like the wind was taken out of my sails. Hubby says the same. Like Christmas Eve I felt good and then yesterday I struggled to get dinner on the table.
I have Covid again after having it last month, thanks to my immuno suppressant medication. That's why I haven't posted about my Christmas yet. Will catch up later today.
I'm so sorry to hear this!!!! My DH takes similar meds. At the start of the pandemic, his doctor sent him a prescription for Vitamin D3. He has been taking it every since (as have I). Studies suggest it is very helpful.
I'm so sorry to hear this!!!! My DH takes similar meds. At the start of the pandemic, his doctor sent him a prescription for Vitamin D3. He has been taking it every since (as have I). Studies suggest it is very helpful.
I have no colon because of Crohns disease, and the part of my ileum where vit D is absorbed is damaged. I get a very high dose of vit D prescribed by the hospital (25.000 ie) which keeps my levels in order (they are checked monthly). It doesn't affect in that beneficial way though, apparently.
I have no colon because of Crohns disease, and the part of my ileum where vit D is absorbed is damaged. I get a very high dose of vit D prescribed by the hospital (25.000 ie) which keeps my levels in order (they are checked monthly). It doesn't affect in that beneficial way though, apparently.
I'm very, very sorry to hear this, Xocolati! My heart goes out to you.
I have no colon because of Crohns disease, and the part of my ileum where vit D is absorbed is damaged. I get a very high dose of vit D prescribed by the hospital (25.000 ie) which keeps my levels in order (they are checked monthly). It doesn't affect in that beneficial way though, apparently.
Wow, we have both of those in common, except that I don't have any ileum at all. It'll be 9 years in March since I had my colectomy. Cheers to survival! ❤️
Definitely cheers to that (y) what is left of your intestines then? The colon instead of the ileum?
Colon is gone, ileum is gone. Part of the small intestine remains - I'm not sure how much. Half or so, I guess. I can eat, but I don't absorb enough liquid or nutrients, so I get TPN and saline water via a Mediport.
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