TGIF 6/27/2024. What did you have to eat?

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Crawfish Etouffee to end the week here.


I had plans for supper, but I just couldn't motivate myself. So, I had to figure out what I would eat instead. Sandwiches didn't really appeal and neither did soup. But, egg appealed and so did spinach. So, I started rummaging and found some charcuterie that was drying up. Hmm, I could fry that and refresh the flavour and have that with eggs. Wait, I have some duck eggs. So, I fried the charcuterie and then sautéed the spinach in bacon fat along with some garlic. I took that off the frying pan and cooked a duck egg. There was also toasted rugbrød - that heavy, Danish style, rye bread. That hit the spot. Later on I had some strawberries with crème fraiche and shortbread cookies. No pix of dessert.

Breakfast for supper - duck egg, fried charcuterie, sautéed spinach, and toasted rugbrød.jpg
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