Tell me about Lefse

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I can't remember the last time I had a but I doremember that it was good. I don't plan on making Lefse but would like to know what to put on it.
My Swedish BIL served some Lutefisk on Christmas Eve once. It was nasty! Everyone but him spit it out in a napkin.

I have never had it or even seen it. If someone served it to me, I would taste it. I am curious. It really does sound nasty, but could be a surprise.
My Swedish BIL served some Lutefisk on Christmas Eve once. It was nasty! Everyone but him spit it out in a napkin.

I would probably do the same. That's one food I've never had the desire to even try. I consider myself fairly adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. But Lutefisk? Nope. Don't think I could do it.
Ooopsie -yes, I know Andy. Then there was an inclusion in another post, I misunderstood and thought it had been changed accidently without realizing the difference. My bad.
He only ever mentioned lease in his OP. Others mentioned lutefisk.

Yep, I saw the answer post and figured Lutefisk and Lefse must be the same thing.

I did my own internet search, and they are clearly not the same.

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I'm the one who mentioned lutefisk. I wrote that it is sometimes served on lefse according to the Wikipedia article about lefse.
I have to go into hand-to-hand combat with Autocorrect to type Lefse. :ninja:

I replied using my phone. I was very surprised to see lefse as one of my predictive typing choices. I have an Android phone and I refuse to allow auto-correct. OTOH, I love those lists of screenshots of the funniest and worst auto-corrections.
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