Tags! Tags?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I've been noticing recently that there are weird tags on posts. When you create a thread and enter some tags that seems to be OK. However, there are a lot of threads that also have unrelated two letter tags in addition to the ones that are logical.

Click on TODAY'S POSTS and scroll down the list. You'll see what I mean.
Yeah. I see that. Like the "ca" tagged onto the granola thread. And the "wi" added to the legit tags on the potato salad thread. An oddity. A harmless oddity, I guess.
Kind of odd that all the two letter tags are also state abbreviations.
Why ca, ny, wi, mo? Why not zb, rt, by, aa?
Coincidence? I think not.
Hmmm...alphabetical order and they take you to a list of posts that contain any word with that combo of letters in it.

Bizarre Tags that seem to be added at random to the tag list.
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