Saying Goodbye

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
We said goodbye to our kitty Tuxedo on Wednesday. He was somewhere between 18 and 20 and we had him for 15 years. I've dealt with this many times before with other pets, but this one hit me hard. He was my sweet baby. Sorry if I've not been my usual self.

He purred my babies to sleep, was our alarm kitty and slept in my arms every night. This is my own little tribute to him. Love you and miss you.


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awwww Alix and family, I am so sorry to read this..maybe my story will help ease your pain and sorrow..

about 8 months ago a cat came into our lives, and about one month ago she came into our home .....a very unexpected development....we are not cat people, are definitely dog folks, but have not had dogs for 32 years because goats and dogs are a bad combination...She was a feral cat that was attracted to the daily bowl of milk I used to leave in the barn. It took me about two months to get a hand on this cat. According to urmanic13/Licia, we have a tuxedo cat. She is unlike any cat that has ever inhabited our barn..she is VERY affectionate, and playful and she purrs almost non stop. Since we don't understand cats, we have many questions as to if she is normal...she is OCD regarding flinging cat litter around (alright already, give it a rest, will you:)), she hides during the day and pounces on us after we go to bed...since she was feral I think she needs some outdoor time, but she thinks otherwise...we both have fallen in love with her....we still cannot believe we have an indoor animal, let alone a cat...who would have thunk?

Hugs to you and your family...
I'm thinking of you baby and wondering if my Max and Maggie are leading her on a romp at Rainbow Bridge? I can imagine how you miss her. It's so painful to lose a loved pet. You have all the good thoughts I have..And all the {{{HUGS}}}
I know how much the lost of a pet can hurt. They come to mean so much to you. Enjoy your memories of Tuxedo.
Alix, all the 2-legged and 4-legged family members send their thought to you and your family. We all know what it is like to loose a one of the family.
Thanks everyone, he was pretty special to us all. He was very much a caregiver and chose me as his special person. I so much appreciate being able to come here with this. Thanks all.
i am so sad for you. i know how much i grieved for my Siamese cat when he died.l would be really hurt if Thomas died.

i just want to make sure i live longer than him. he is five years old and my best bud.
I've had to say goodbye to 3 dogs in the last 5 years. I have one more that is old, diabetic, and blind, that I will probably lose soon.

I feel and understand the pain of losing such a friend. Time heals, but the heart never forgets the love. Be peaceful, knowing that you gave Tuxedo the best life he could have asked for.
My heart goes out to you. The loss is so deep, almost like a family member. I hope peace finds you soon. :angel:
Oh, Alix, I'm so sorry......what a gorgeous cat he was.......I bet you that he and my Tiffany have already become pals and are looking out for other animals to take care of, too.....probably standing next to a food bowl by the pearly gates.....glad that he had you your family to coddle for so many years
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