Road Trip!!

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larry, thanks again for letting us ride along with you. This is fun! And could you pass a bit of the chips-and-salsa this way, please? ;)

...Hit a little rush hour traffic ( not being from this area, and traveling from one city to another city before rush hour, wasnt too bad.
You live on Long Island. You're used to NYC driving. Nothing will look like rush hour to you unless you get all the way out to LA!

...i dumped 1/2 my miso soup all over me. It kinda serves me right for sing the computer at the table while trying to eat.
Good thing it got you and not your computer. Those jeans are washable. The keyboard? Not so much. ;)

...Our evening plans ( the concert) fell through, so we just hung out at the hotel and had dinner...
You said tickets went on sale at noon? So I guess that means you weren't planning on going to the Bluebird Cafe. I knew about it when we drove around Nashville on an east-to-AZ trip, but didn't get there because the place wasn't open when we were in the area.

Keep having fun - and safe driving.
Thank God Im finally past that stage :LOL:
Now we go by ourselves, I drive, she crochets, does puzzles or sleeps. I get to listen to my music, and on long stretches, we sometimes listen to an audio book. No more ' are we there yets'

Just another one of life little irritants to be grateful for. My youngest daughter could only go about a mile in an auto before she got sick. We got her ears checked, and sure enough, that is where the problem began. Had her ears operated on and got a prescription from her pediatrician. The following summer, we made a trip up to NH. She was fine.
Larry, and Missus Larry, what a day!
Did you get a custom Louisville Slugger bat?
And I think as Vegetarian/Vegans you guys haven't done half bad for eats ... :yum:

We didnt get the personalized bat 'yet'. But took the info to do it online. I nephew is a big baseball fan ( and player), and he has a big birthday going up in about a year. So, we decided to do that in addition to his gift. We have so much crap in the car and still a week ahead of us we figured it would be easier to do it that way.

As far as the food thing goes, after Im done planning the complete trip, I then go back and see when Im going to be where and do a search for restaurants that would make life easier for us. But, knowing we are often on the go, we are always prepared with PBJ, and a few other things. I always know where there is a walmart near by just in case we need to restock along the way. Some of our ' safe' places that are usually not too far from where we are are Subway, pandora bread and whole foods. Although I prefer to try new things in different places, especially I love trying the local cuisine or favorites of places we visit, sometimes we need something quick and familiar.

One thing I can say is I starting to miss a home cooked meal. IM already thinking of what Ill be cooking the week we get back, and making a mental grocery list!!!
Just another one of life little irritants to be grateful for. My youngest daughter could only go about a mile in an auto before she got sick. We got her ears checked, and sure enough, that is where the problem began. Had her ears operated on and got a prescription from her pediatrician. The following summer, we made a trip up to NH. She was fine.

Glad it wasn't anything more serious and the problem was resolved. :)
Today our focus is turning more musical. Im a big music lover ( playing, listening, history, concerts...)

We began the day ( starbucks for my wife, I think I just kinda picked on stuff) heading to a professional recording studio just outside of Nashville. I got a one on one private tour ( through a charity auction). I spent 2 hours speaking with the head producer/ engineer. Learning about the equipment , hearing the history of the studio along with some of the well know recording artists who spent time there ( Dolly Parton, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Chicago, Brad Paisley, Willie Nelson to name a few). Seeing museums are great, but getting a one on one in a professional active studio was great. The tour ended with a serious discussion of a future project together.

One interesting fact about this recording studio. It has multiple rooms to record in this one building. The largest could house an orchestra. Problem is, that these days, with all the new technology, there isn't much need for such large elaborate recording studios. So , it forced them to think out of the box to bring in some extra revenue. They now hold catered events in this room when it is not in use. He said they could hold up to 120 seated guests, and the venue is unique. I thought it was a really good idea, and he said it has been successful.

We then headed back to Nashville to the Country Music Hall of Fame. My wife is a big country fan. I appreciate it. Having already toured the modern studio, we took a tour of RCA Studio B, A studio made famous by recording artists such as Elvis, Roy Orbison, The Everly Brothers among others. Very historic and interesting. After this we walked Nashville on the hunt for something a vegetarian and vegan could eat. I didnt have high expectations, as the last time we were in this area ( and memphis) it was mostly BBQ, Burgers and greasy bar - food joints. Its amazing how much fried food is eaten in this area. Trying to cut back on the greasy stuff, we limited it to Panera, Subway or this pasta place ( we ate here 2 years back). On out way to the pasta place, we saw a small sign in the window of the bar that announced it had a vegan menu. For those who are not familiar with Nashville, there is a bar every other store front ( with live music). For anyone who knows my wife and I, we are not loud people, a little more reserved, possibly have never been in a bar over the last 30 years and dont drink. We decided to do something out of our comfort zone, so in we went. Wasn't too crowded, reviewed the menu and obviously there were options. She got some kind of veggie burger with fries. I got this fried tofu thing with BBQ dipping sauce along with asparagus. Over all the taste was good, but there was so much oil and fried stuff, my body wasn't terribly happy with me.

To top it off, apparently it is customary in this bar for the women to get up on the bar after they are finished eating. My wife tried to sneak out, but I ratted her out to the waitress. The waitress proceeded to coax her back and get her up on the bar. Although she ( my wife ) cursed me, it made for a great pic and something we will remember for a long time. I also have to remember to sleep with one eye open.

At night, we went to the Grand Ole Opry for a concert. Heard a half dozen great artists. We also took a Pre Show Backstage Tour, where we got to meet a few artists, check out their dressing rooms, got a little history.

One pleasant surprise was seeing Tom Hanks backstage. His wife ( Rita Wilson) was performing tonight for the first time at the Opry, and he was there to see her. He was off in the distance ( about 40ft), so I couldn't get a good shot.

Anyway, not much of a food day, but a very exciting music day.

Tomorrow we will be tackling the great outdoors.

Stay Tuned !!!
Pics in Nashville

-Large Recording Studio that doubles as a catering hall when not in use
-Me screwing around at the control board ( im like a kid in a candy store)
-Recording studio from the 50's-60's ( Elvis, Orbison, Everly Bros...)
(Quite a difference)
-Deep fried tofu with BBQ Sauce and asparagus
-Grand Ole Opry ( Rascal Flatts)


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larry, this vacation of yours is blowing any of the ones Himself and I have taken right out of the water! Then again, when he worked and we vacationed, we went mostly for resting and relaxation. You'll need a vacation when you get back home from your vacation!

Glad to see you're getting to experience all sorts of fun things. We are going to hear about it when you cut your first record, right? What type of recording project would it be? And what kind of music?

And, if I were you, I would sleep with one eye open-and get a food taste-tester...:mrgreen:
larry, this vacation of yours is blowing any of the ones Himself and I have taken right out of the water! Then again, when he worked and we vacationed, we went mostly for resting and relaxation. You'll need a vacation when you get back home from your vacation!

Glad to see you're getting to experience all sorts of fun things. We are going to hear about it when you cut your first record, right? What type of recording project would it be? And what kind of music?

And, if I were you, I would sleep with one eye open-and get a food taste-tester...:mrgreen:

I would love to relax, and as stupid as this sounds, I just dont know how. My body doesnt let me. When Im running around like this, I do think to myself " Damn, I really need some time to kick up my feet and take it easy". But then when I do that, I feel like im waiting time, and get bored really easy. Im not the type to take a beach vacation and lay on the beach with drinks all day, or sit by the pool. Ive tried it and it just doesnt work. I never relax or fall asleep, I just sit there thinking about all the things I could be doing while sitting on my you know what. Once after a 22 hr road trip ( broken into 2 days) down to Mississippi, we finally reached the hotel, right on the water, reggae band playing by the pool which had a direct visual to the Gulf of Mexico with dolphins jumping out of the water no more than 50 feet from the shore. I told my wife, this is it, Im going to sit by the pool in a lounge chair, like everyone else and relax and do nothing but listen to the band. after 10 minutes I sat up and said, ok now what do you want to do??? I must say, the most relaxing trip I used to take was to Maine, where we rented a house for a week. kinda a family lakeside resort. What I liked was that it was like living at home, ( just somewhere else). We cooked our own meals, we did family things but also when everyone wanted to do something different, we just said be back by dinner time ... I still didnt lay by the beach ( i was too busy trying to win the sand castle contest ( which we d 2 times), but it wasn't running around like a nut, like i do now.

As far as the music goes, I originally wanted to go into music ( back in the day). As got older, and more mature, I realized that I had to make a choice. Do something I really loved, but risk a stable life and enter an industry I would Have little control over, or do something more predictable and have a good stable family life, but keep the first as a hobby. I chose option B. Im more of a music writer than a performer. I can embarrass myself on multiple instruments ( guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, banjo, mandolin. I have violin sitting around that I haven't attempted to play yet, and I really want a cello and accordion, but I get the look of death from my family every time I bring it up. I d also love to learn to play the sax. I took piano lessons for years, which turned into music writing lessons ( because i absolutely hated practicing my scales, finger exercises and arpeggios, but loved writing ( I do not sing). Anyway,one day I came up with something, she liked it, I remember her calling me later that day to play it over the phone to a bunch of her friends. I was actually in college at the time in Philly. I had already made my choice to pursue something else. Anyway, to make a long story short, the recording was made. I did go into the studio ( as a spectator and some producing input ,but not really to play on the album) and the song was ultimately sold to ,and played on a television show. Wasn't as glamorous as you'd think. Basically, in the show, they were driving a car, and my song was the one that was on the radio at the time. And another scene was at the prom, and my song was playing in the background. The coolest thing for me was seeing my name scroll up in the credits.

As far as type of music, I appreciate just about everything. I grew up 70's, 80's so the bulk of what I listen to is from that era, therefore many of my influences come from there. But as you can see from this trip, I appreciate and listen to more history and ground breaking artists , like Elvis, Johnny Cash, beatles and those pioneers. Ive recently been to the concerts of Stevie Wonder, Eric Clapton, The Eagles, Jeff Lynn ( ELO), Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel ( Im from long island, how could I not) , tonight will be Elton John, and Friday Lynyrd Skynyrd. If you looked at the songs I listen to on my phone, they range from country, rap, hard rock, top 40, classical, 50's, doo top... Ive had instances when I was listening to Dr Dre, and the next song was Barry Manillow, then some show tune from a broadway plat..

The project will be something Im writing or have written over the past 30 + years. That is for me to decide. I will provide several songs, come down to Nashville, work side by side with the producer to select musicians for the project, and then professionally record it. It is more for fun than anything else. Something Ive always wanted to do, just never had the time or money. Im in a different situation now. As we were talking, we were both getting excited about the project, I think for him, he usually either works with well established celebrities, or people who think they are, or will be, and come in with that musician ( I want to be a rock start) attitude. With me, its a whatever happens happens, for fun. No real stress or pressure. Just make a good solid product. Im really looking forward to it. I just have to go back to my archives and see which of my ' babies' I want to choose, or do i want to do something new. First half of my stuff is piano based, last half is guitar based. Just like going on top of the bar was out of my wife comfort zone. this is something that is out of my comfort zone. Its always been a hobby of mine, but for me only. But now, to put it all out there is a little nerve racking. Will it be good enough? will they like it ? Are they going to mock the project when Im not there? Are they going to be as serious about it as i am ?? I just have to mentally get over all this, which I will. Im getting to the age, and the point in my life where of you dont like it, screw off!!( a little bit of my New York coming out there).

^ +1

Man! I need to road trip with YOU and Missus Larry my brother and ditch DH!! :cool:

Food taster is not a bad Idea :ROFLMAO:
Good thing i do all the cooking!!!

I was told I should have been a travel agent with all the pre road trip planning I do. Im an ' on time schedule freak', I love maps, I hate getting lost and I hate down time, unless it is planned down time ( Gee, I wonder why I cant relax :LOL: )

I also like unique, off the beat things to do. Sure, I love to see the obvious ( Louisville slugger, Kentucky Derby, hershey.... But, I also like doing the things many people wouldn't even consider or even find ( sign museum, Mr rogers exhibit, Ketchup Exibit...2 years ago we even visited the Bush Beans Factory. It was great!! I proudly wear my Bush's Beans T-shirt ;)

When It comes to concerts, I love them, but sometimes get bored, so i needed to do something to add to the experience. I look for the meet and greets, or behind the scene/ stage experiences. Sure they cost a few extra bucks, but this is the way I justify it. I dont drink ( which saves me a hell of a lot of money), I dont have a fancy car or fancy house, I dont buy expensive clothing, even when going to nice restaurants , being vegan/ vegetarian and forced to eat some crappy salad or pasta dish, it is rare that our bill is over $40 for the two of us ( although some of the specialty NYC restaurants cost me North of $100. Im not a fan of flying , so I dont do the exotic european, asian, african, australian vacations ( which Id love to experience, but cant). So, if I want to do that extra experience or spend a few extra bucks to be in or close to the front row, Im going to do it. And It forces me to do some unique things right here, in the country I love and was born in.
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More great pics - thanks, Larry! :)

I'm so enjoying being along (kind of...) on the road trip with you and the Ms! Looking forward to more pics and news. :punk:
Lunch was great. Way above average for a vegan restaurant. The place was packed, and surprisingly, not everyone there looked like a vegan.

What, exactly, do vegans look like?
... Snipped .... so, if i want to do that extra experience or spend a few extra bucks to be in or close to the front row, im going to do it. And it forces me to do some unique things right here, in the country i love and was born in.


Larry, ya know my Mother has thought for years that DH and I were neanderthals because we didn't want to travel to Europe with her. :wacko:

A) We really didn't want to travel with her (we have a totally different style of travel---less formal, more casual and free)


B) We want to see our own Country first!

In a car, not an Air Plane, or a tour bus with a million other souls, or on a HUGE cruise liner with a gazillion other folks ...
This may be all fine and dandy for some; that's cool and I can appreciate that, but that's not how we roll. :cool:

Larry, ya know my Mother has thought for years that DH and I were neanderthals because we didn't want to travel to Europe with her. :wacko:

A) We really didn't want to travel with her (we have a totally different style of travel---less formal, more casual and free)


B) We want to see our own Country first!

In a car, not an Air Plane, or a tour bus with a million other souls, or on a HUGE cruise liner with a gazillion other folks ...
This may be all fine and dandy for some; that's cool and I can appreciate that, but that's not how we roll. :cool:

+1! I'm not much of a traveler :LOL:, but when I do, I love car road trips the best. Go where you want, stop when you want, eat where you want, and see what you want, even though it may go off the time clock. That's why I'm enjoying this thread as well as your previous one, kgirl - I may not comment on everything all of the time, but I sure do enjoy the travel logs and pics. :)

I totally get other forms of travel and love to read about them as well, though!
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What, exactly, do vegans look like?

Well, let me start off answering this by saying since Im a vegetarian and Im married to a vegan, I cant get in trouble by stereotyping:LOL:

To me , vegan, mushroom pickers, grass clippers .... all are one in the same.
The typical vegan claims to be the healthiest person on the healthiest diet, yet looks the most sickly of the bunch. Many have that hippie look to them with the long wirey hair ( often greasy), many unshaven ( for months or years), pale and thin. And in most cases, they brag about how great their food tastes, but it usually either has no taste, or just taste like crap.

Once again, being married one , and being 1/2 way there myself, Im allowed to say the above.

Its not to make fun of, but its a fairly accurate statement , or at least in the past.

I must say, with all this plant based technology, and the exercise/ health craze, and the food companies and restaurants being forced by law to list calories, ingredients .... The Healthy Vegan Stereotype has changed, and they are becoming more main stream, and dare I say actually the ' In' thing to do.

Me and my wife always play " Spot the Vegan/ vegetarian" when we are in a public place. If you want a real treat, go to the vegan food festivals, and you'll see my point.

And if anyone takes offense to this, its all in good humor and fun. Its my warped sense of humor hard at work ( with some accuracy ;) )
Ok, today was a slight deviation form the previous days.
Got up and hit the road. On our way back to Kentucky to visit Mammoth Cave National Park. Luckily it is in the same time zone, so I didnt have to worry about that. Another breakfast on the go. We had some serial along with bananas, which I bought at the gas station the day before while buying lotto ticktets for that 1.6 Billion dollar amount ( which we obviously didnt win, but the bananas were good).

Got to the cave and took the tour. 2 minutes into the tour, a few bats started fluttering towards us. That was great!!! ( no sarcasm here, i truly loved it). We learned about the formation, history and use of the cave. Apparently it was one of the prime sources of Saltpeter, which is a main ingredient of gun powder which was used during the war of 1812.

After the tour, we decided to take a walk on one of the nature trails, and clumsy me fell down. No big deal, until my wife screamed ( twice), loud enough for the ranger, who gave us the tour, to hear . She asked if I was ok, I replied that I was just embarrassed, and she replied " well, im glad the only thing you hurt was your pride. Now, understand that she was 100 + feet away and not in the line of site ( behind trees and such), so this was a loud conversation everyone in the vicinity could hear. So, thanks to my wife loud screams and my clumsiness, I now looked like the horses ass of the place :ROFLMAO: Well, anyway, we headed to the gift shop to get the perfect souvenir, a Mammoth Cave Patch to cover up the hole I got in my jeans while falling on the nature trail.

***What we actually do, is collect some kind of ornament from each place we visit through out the year , and when ew decorate our tree, we have an ornament of everything we did the previous year. last year, we saw so many wild animals on our trip to montana , that we collected a stuffed animal for each one, and put them all under the tree***

Second stop was lunch. We were both craving something healthy and vegetables ( actually, im at the point where I really miss a home cooked meal, the garden, going food shopping ....). We stopped at a place where you kinda make a soup, by selecting which veggies which protein, broth ... and so one. Mine was a shiitake mushroom/ ginger / lemon grass, over a bed of kappa cabbage, some tofu in a vegetable broth. It was very fresh, very good, and kinda just what i needed to balance out the fried crap we had the day before ( which tasted good, but still fried crap). I also got a side of roasted root veggies ( parsnip, carrots and beets with thyme, rosemary ), and we also ordered a side of brussel sprouts for the road ( which we forgot about, and are still in my car. No biggie, ill eat them for breakfast :yum:)

We then headed back to Tennessee to " The Gentle Barn". Its an organization which rescues farm animals who are mistreated, or unwanted, and they kinda let them live out their senior years on the farm,, Hear we got to pet the cows, feed the horses, scratch the tummy of a huge 500lb pig and a huge turkey and a few other things. I actually learned about this when I won a charity auction to meet Joan Jett ( a singer, ' i love rock and roll, bad reputation, cherry bomb, crimson and clover ( remake )). and the auction money went to this charity. I read up on the charity, and saw I could arrange for a private tour of the farm, Along with cooking, gardening and music, animals are another hobby of mine ( having 8 chickens and 11 cats, I should give tours of my own place).

After this , back to Nashville, got some spaghetti with marinara sauce topped with sautéed mushrooms, a salad and some Minestrone. Definitely not a top of the line place , but I knew that going it. My wife wasn't hungry and I was in the mood for pasta ( even though I should really be cutting back, but hey, Im on vacation). We at at this place a few years ago, and it didnt tase bad and we didnt get diarrhea the last time, so we figured it was a safe bet.

Walked down Broadway in Nashville. For those who have never been, its a Bar lined street ( on both sides) with bright flashing neon signs of all colors trying to get you into their place. Each has live music, usually set up right as you go in. The store front windows usually open up so yo can hear the music of each venue as you walk past them. Primarily country , but some blue grass, r&b, blues and the occasional pop song usually with a country twist. My best way to describe walking down broadway nashville, is its like when you had the old car radio with the dial that was used to change stations. Thats what it sounds like. Every 10 steps is another song by another band, its like scanning the radio station by station.

Anyway, my wifed picked up some blood orange sorbet on the way, and we ultimately ended up at the arena for Elton John. Great seats, great concert, great music. couldn't have asked for a better way to end the night.

tomorrow, another music based day along with another stop that kinda ties in to the Braille book factory we toured the other day.

Im gonna try to get todays pics up now, but im exhausted and have an early day tomorrow, so if it comes to me fighting with the computer, then off to sleep i go and ill deal with it tomorrow.
Well, let me start off answering this by saying since Im a vegetarian and Im married to a vegan, I cant get in trouble by stereotyping:LOL:

To me , vegan, mushroom pickers, grass clippers .... all are one in the same.
The typical vegan claims to be the healthiest person on the healthiest diet, yet looks the most sickly of the bunch. Many have that hippie look to them with the long wirey hair ( often greasy), many unshaven ( for months or years), pale and thin. And in most cases, they brag about how great their food tastes, but it usually either has no taste, or just taste like crap.

Once again, being married one , and being 1/2 way there myself, Im allowed to say the above.

Its not to make fun of, but its a fairly accurate statement , or at least in the past.

I must say, with all this plant based technology, and the exercise/ health craze, and the food companies and restaurants being forced by law to list calories, ingredients .... The Healthy Vegan Stereotype has changed, and they are becoming more main stream, and dare I say actually the ' In' thing to do.

Me and my wife always play " Spot the Vegan/ vegetarian" when we are in a public place. If you want a real treat, go to the vegan food festivals, and you'll see my point.

And if anyone takes offense to this, its all in good humor and fun. Its my warped sense of humor hard at work ( with some accuracy ;) )

I dunno Larry... I'm a mid-range "baby boomber" and the only vegetarian/vegans in my age group that I've met are all heavy. They eat, IMHO, way too much carbs. Mister and Missus Dear Friends are prime examples... oh and Mrs&Mrs Landlord too. DH and I thought we were over weight, NOOOOOOOO!!!

Now keep in mind all, before you say "BOOOO" to me, this is just my own personal, first hand observations in my own backyard, your neighborhood could be different from mine.
Cave Pics

The pictures don't do this eve justice. You just cant appreciate the size of this cave. It theoretically ha over 400 miles of cave. The main car we were in is large enough to drive 18 wheeler trucks through


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