Quick update

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
How is everyone?!?

There's been a lot going on.

After I bought my lot, the contractor bought the other 4 lots and went to develop them. He proposed swapping one of those lots for mine and as an added bonus for me doing this, agreed to carry the cost of septic and electric with no interest for me to pay off.

I hadn't wanted a large loan for a house but costs are only going up so I decided to grab the opportunity. So the septic, water, and electric are now in at the new lot, the lot has been leveled, a nice gravel driveway has been laid, and at the end of this summer I'll have a nice 40x24 metal cover put up to put a trailer under.

And I still have $5000 left over after paying the first year's payment so I can get a better, larger trailer to live in.

I want to save up a bit more before I get all the utilities turned on but I should be moving to the new lot in about ten days and will hopefully have electric and my computer hooked up by the end of summer.

The new lot is a wee bit smaller but is much more level and gets constant sun thru the day unlike the lot I currently own. I already have a 40x50 area set out for a garden on the new lot and now all I need is a fence to keep the deer, rabbits, and bears out. lol

Anyway, I just thought I would drop in with this update and with luck I'll be back talking to everyone (and finally cooking again!) by fall.
Thanks for checking in, rr. Sounds like things are going better for you (I hope I didn't just jinx things...:ermm: ). Looking forward to the time you can tell us you're settled in the new trailer and you are back to being around here regularly.
Glad to hear from you again, rr, and glad things are looking up! Good luck getting your place together, and good luck growing that food! Looking forward to hearing from you in the future.
Thanks everyone!

I'm logging in on my phone and it's so much fun. Not. I get my password right and screw up my user name. One day I'll learn how to spell it.

Wish me luck. Tomorrow I'm going to go look at a trailer to live in for about six years. I don't have high expectations tho. It's only $3000 so it probably has no roof or no floor. lol
I really need to start cooking again. Today I put a pizza in the oven and pretty soon there was smoke all over. I opened the oven door to see a major fire roaring. I guess my shelf was a little close to the flames and the pizza caught fire.
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