Prayers and info please!

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Friday was not a good day all around. Jim went to the surgeon, expecting to get his stitches out. Not until next week, but "things look great." What!?! He can't straighten his arm all the way, and then we find out he is anemic!! So, he takes iron pills, dr. prescribed vitamins, and is to get a shot once a week to build up his bone marrow. But wait!! The insurance company needs to decide if the shot is neccesary!?! So now I have to call the phamacy to see if he can get the meds so he can get the shots, call the drs. office to see if the nurse will be there at 4:40 when he gets out of work ( he went back today), and then call him and let him know. Oh, then of course there is the fact of the headaches he has had since the surgery, he now has to take tylenol w/codiene. Of course, he feels great then!! I just don't dare let him out of my sight then. AARRGGHHHH!!!! Please keep your prayers coming.
Dawn the anemia comes with the loss of kidney funtion,,I not only get those shots and YES we do need them and they cost a bundle, but they help build red blood cells..I get them every two week, plus I now have to get either an injection or an IV of iron cuz those pills just don't get it..
soo don't get discouraged, things will be okay..If anyone wants to be tested for kidney transplant for Jim, welcome them with open arms..That will change his life no end...Talk to Bilby she can really give you the scoop.Hang in there girlfriend I'm here if you need me
Thank you both. E-Gads!! What am I thinking, going back to work full time and taking care of the grandchildren at night?!?! I must be looking for sainthood, and I'm not even Catholic!!! It's either that or the insanity card, and I think I'll opt for St. Dawn. ;>p
Ahh, Dawn! You can't keep your name unless it was something like Mary. You'll have to become St Aurora instead, and just remain Dawn to your friends!!! LOL

I've already emailed you re the shots. When Jim starts haemo, they may inject it thru the machine. Depends on the staff and which set of theories they are working to at the time. The EPO shots in the arm sting if they don't get them to room temp first! Much better when they switched to putting it thru the tubes when the blood is being cleaned! I am now down to having Aranesp injections every six weeks - and that is nearly 22 months after having the transplant! My arm is tough now and I seldom notice the injections!

Used to get the iron thru the machine too. Never had to take the tablets. I also never let the med staff see me being weak unless I was already hospitalised. Too hard if they thought I was unwell. Easier for me to just ignore it and keep on keeping on. Anything to keep out of hospital.
ARRGGGH!! Still no shots for Jim as the insurance co. has yet to approve them?!?! He went to the Dentist yesterday to have a filling fixed(fell out) and was told tat since he has the fistula and it is not totally healed yet he has to take an antibiotic 1 hour before his appointments!! Not to mention we spent Tuesday evening in the ER because of his shortness of breath and tightness in his chest. Everything was ok, Thank GOD! Of course the ER staff couldn't understand why we would not accept a blood transfussion for his severe anemia, even after we told them!?!@#*@#!!!
I'm so sorry about the ER fiasco, I had it too when my kidneys failed last year...WE now had to pay a thousand dollar for the epo injections as the Insurance company felt I didn't need them and nothing we can say or do would change it..So I just paid the bill..Now I'm taking more shots but a different one I think Bilby mentioned it...So far no one is banging on the door for money..But if it were me, I'd be on their doorstep making so much noise, well you get the picture..I also have to get an IV for the iron as the injection when given cause a taste like maple in my mouth which makes me sick sooo..We now give them( the red blood cell helper) at home the center provides them. Does K
Jim have a dialysis center? If so, use them for everything...They get things done so much quicker than an ER.. Again, I"m so sorry hang in there..Once he is healed it gets easier...
Dawn, whenever I went to the dentist after KF, I had to take an AB prior to going. Can't afford any infections. Teeth infections can go straight to the kidneys.

Every worker in Australia that pays tax has to pay an extra levy for Medicare which allows everyone to go to any public hospital in the country for treatment at no extra cost. We also have a Pharmeceutical Benefits Scheme that reduces the cost of the drugs to the general populace, and after you spend $x in a calendar year, the medications are further reduced. This means that I EPO for nothing while an in-patient and $25 (per shot) (current prices) while getting it thru the dialysis clinics. When I went over to Aranesp injections, they too are $25 each. As I spent more than the PBS threshold in about May this year, my scripted medications are all $5 each. If I was then to spend more than $1500 (?) for the year, I can then claim a further 1% deduction when I submit my tax return for the year.

We all complain about Medicare and PBS but reading your post and Kadesma's, I think we have it pretty good!! I wouldn't have been able to have lasted as long as I did on my own on dialysis if I didn't have the shots.

Hang in there.
Hurray!! Insurance came through! They approved 26 shots, and paid 85% of the costs. The first shipment came to our house this am in time for Jim to get it down to the Drs. office and get shot in the arm. Funny, he said it didn't hurt; must be the relief of finally getting it!! Right now he and DS are down working on the dozer - priorities you know! LOL Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement, now I just need prayers that the transplant center will contact us as to when Jim can begin evaluation!!! Dawn :>)
Thank you everyone. Jim is feeling soo much better now, it's so nice to see him come home from work and actually want to do something other than sit and fall asleep!! Thank you again for all your prayers, please keep them coming as we wait for the evaluation and testings to begin!! Dawn :>)
Thank you everyone. Jim is feeling soo much better now, it's so nice to see him come home from work and actually want to do something other than sit and fall asleep!! Thank you again for all your prayers, please keep them coming as we wait for the evaluation and testings to begin!! Dawn :>)
The payers and good thoughts continue..Just stay well and know we all are thinking of you all.
Thank you ALL!! The hospital called today, they had a few questions. The coordinator is to call within the next few days to set up for evaluation!! WOOHOO!!
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