Petty Vents II

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I don't think the water got high enough to cause damage. It was in the underground garage. By the time I looked, the water was part way up the wheels, but not as far as the centre part of the wheels. I think it didn't get as high as the axels. But, I don't know for sure. Also, I can't just start it and try driving it. The battery is completely out of charge and the car has been sitting for a while. I have been planning on arranging to get my car towed to the garage and they can check it over and fix anything that needs fixing. They have done that before. The problem is that tow trucks can't get into the garage. The garage door isn't tall enough. If it weren't for that, it would have been handled quite a while ago. I didn't want my late DH straining himself, as he helped push the car to where the tow truck can attach it. He wasn't worried about overexerting himself.

Of course, all my efforts at getting the car looked at got sidelined by the hubster dying.

Well, if no water got inside the car, it should be okay. If water gets inside, it ruins a lot of electronics. If we lived a wee bit closer than a whole country apart, I'd come over and take car of the car for you, but I'm thinking the airline fare would do a number on my budget. ;)

As long as the carpets stayed dry, you probably just need some maintenance work done from sitting a long time.

Well, if no water got inside the car, it should be okay. If water gets inside, it ruins a lot of electronics. If we lived a wee bit closer than a whole country apart, I'd come over and take car of the car for you, but I'm thinking the airline fare would do a number on my budget. ;)

As long as the carpets stayed dry, you probably just need some maintenance work done from sitting a long time.

I don't think any water got in the passenger compartment. I checked after the water went down. The carpets were dry and there was no sign of water getting under the car door.

I did get a bit panicked when my neighbour told me that my car was sitting in water.
With this talk about cars/water/tires, I can't help but remember one year at my daughter's apartment building, the outdoor parking lot had about 6 or 8 inches of water. It froze solid over night. There was not a single thing anyone could do. ALL tires were solidly encased in the ice. I felt so sorry for all the owners! There was maybe 30 cars?
Of course, it is funny now but not then. I was also rather glad it wasn't my problem.
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