Peeling Carrots

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
When you peel a carrot, do you peel towards or away from you?

Is there a reason for you choice?

Just curious.

I peel away, just cause its what I've always done and it works for me.
I was just watching a cooking show where the chef was peeling towards himself, and just struck me as strange ( just cause its not how I do it).
When you peel a carrot, do you peel towards or away from you?

Is there a reason for you choice?

Just curious.

I peel away, just cause its what I've always done and it works for me.
I was just watching a cooking show where the chef was peeling towards himself, and just struck me as strange ( just cause its not how I do it).

I peel away too.
On those rare occasions that I do it at all, I peel away, first the skinny end, then then the fat end. But right or wrong, some years ago got it in my head that I was wasting the most nutritious part of the carrot.

Suspect that the best reason to do it is actually to make the carrot prettier but if you've looked at pictures of my food, you know that isn't a high priority.
I usually do both. I do the skinny end away from myself and the fat end towards me. Not a rule written in stone.
I use a veggie peeler that removes the leat amunt of carrot. I cut off the very ends and peel fro the middle to the skinny emd. I do it over the cutting board and place the shavings into the compost bin. After peeling the first half, I flip the carrot end for end and again peel away from me.

I was tught never to cut toward myself. I started at a young age whitling on stick, sometimes to make a willow branch for hot dogs, or marshmallowes in the campfire. Peeling veggirsaway from me was the logical extension of that. Plus, I already had the motions developed. I watched a person cut themself with a veggie peeler. I don't have to worry about that.

Seeeeya, Chief Longwind of the North
I use a veggie peeler that removes the leat amunt of carrot. I cut off the very ends and peel fro the middle to the skinny emd. I do it over the cutting board and place the shavings into the compost bin. After peeling the first half, I flip the carrot end for end and again peel away from me.

I was tught never to cut toward myself. I started at a young age whitling on stick, sometimes to make a willow branch for hot dogs, or marshmallowes in the campfire. Peeling veggirsaway from me was the logical extension of that. Plus, I already had the motions developed. I watched a person cut themself with a veggie peeler. I don't have to worry about that.
Ditto, except that I don't whittle and I peel them into a bowl that I collect trimmings in for the compost pail I have in the kitchen. ;)

Carrot skins have a bitter flavor I don't like.
I'm another one that peels away, with almost everything. Scraping carrots instead of peeling wastes less, but I also compost, so no waste, really, plus I do that under running water, which wastes the water.
when I peel... I lay them on the cutting board, parallel to the edge of the counter, and peel left-to-right!

I prefer the yoke style peelers, since the tops get trimmed off anyway I stick a fork at the very top to hold them, then whack the tip & top after peeling.

normally I just rinse them with the green scrubby pad.
I only scrub them when they are young and tender. Otherwise, like GG says, I find the skins bitter.

Depends on which peeler I use but it is usually away from me. Potatoes, on the other hand, I peel towards me.

I dislike and think they should be banned - the U-shaped peelers. They are slow, awkward and dangerous. Skinned knuckles, bashed knuckles, base of thumb scrapes, plus taking twice as long to peel anything.

Other than with a U-shaped peeler, I've never seen anyone ever cut themselves. But then, there are those that have to be warned about a sharp edge on the wax-paper box.


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this is the yoke style - I've never had issues with it.
(just don't buy the ceramic blade-in-plastic design. they stay very sharp but the plastic breaks and then the blade falls out.)

this is the yoke style - I've never had issues with it.
(just don't buy the ceramic blade-in-plastic design. they stay very sharp but the plastic breaks and then the blade falls out.)

View attachment 37543

I LOVE this Y shape peeler. BUT I only use it for potatoes. And I peel towards me.

All other straight veggies I use the other straight type.


When in a rush I push and pull tip to root turning carrot till the middle is peeled (it goes twice as fast going both ways) then cut tip and root off. I peel anything that's left. When not in a rush I peel away with the straight type peeler.
Sideways, left to right with a yoke style peeler most of the time. If using a y-shaped peeler I peel towards myself. Haven't heard of using a spoon and don't like scraping with a knife.

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