Pan fried steak in NYC!

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Assistant Cook
Mar 3, 2010
After a hard day of work and school I had to get some meat in my mouth! So, since it's winter, and I live in a tiny apartment in NYC, my only option was to pan fry it. And it was sooooooo good. Here are the results!


That's right. Bonus mushrooms and the potatoes were almost ready to come out of the oven! It was an amazing end to the day.
ScottyDaQ said:
Just the way I like it..... rare enough so that a Veterinarian could bring it back to life. :D

I couldn't have said it any better than that! My Italian teacher called me a vampire due to my rare steak preference once. Italians, love 'em.
Sorry Smokey Lew, we don't have fire escapes. Very disappointing...and a little unsafe I think. Oh well, hopefully no one will burn down the building before May!

Captain Morgan, I just rubbed a little olive oil on it with salt and pepper before I threw it in the pan. I do my seasoning in the form of garlic butter afterward.
I make due when the surroundings aren't conducive to using charcoal. Why, I once cooked a 24 oz sirloin using a Zippo lighter. Done to a turn!
That is how they cook them at all the Taquerias around here... Looks good & Welcoem aboard!!
If you REALLY want to do some open fire cooking .... your landlord probably wouldn't like it, but here is
how they do it in the Netherlands, Frankvw from Gouda, The Netherlands posted these several months ago.
A great second use for your bathtub :LOL:


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Well bet that old boy cooking in the bathtub got to have a brain tumor or something. That looks sorta nutty. Now the garlic butter applied afterwards to the steak is a great plan. One of the best steak houses in Corpus done it like that. It also had some lemony overtones. Greek owned and operated of course. When cooking in a skillet I like to follow the old Texas Monthly procedure. Get a dry cast iron skillet ridiculously smoking hot and rub it down with a piece of fat off the steak. Don't season the steak at all. One min on each side then turn the fire down to lowish medium till it gets done enough to suit ya. Flipping as little as possible but at least once. Then hit it with the garlic lemon butter while it still hot. Yum yum. Now it do make a lot of smoke.

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