Official Dinner Thread for Saturday the 26th ©

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Our grandson has been visiting this weekend. He has been helping me in the kitchen. Yesterday we made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and today we conspired to make chicken parm.


Andy, your grandson is going to be a gourmet chef by the time he heads off to college. Nice job!

We had more of the ham that has no end (it just goes on and on, my friend). Not complaining, just stating facts. Sides were green beans and the best mac and cheese I have made in a while. Must be because I used cavatappi.

For supper tonight, I made Hurtig labscovs med rødbeder (Danish quick version of labscovs with pickled beets). Old fashioned comfort food that suits a dreary day. I'm glad I didn't bother with the traditional dark rye bread as accompaniment, because we were both stuffed without the addition of bread.

Hurtig labscovs.gifHurtig labscovs med rødbeder.gif
Dinners looking good folks. Grand kids are here for an ovenight too Andy.

Costco hot dogs, ketchup as practically a separate course, Bushies grillin' beans, broccoli ''trees'' with ranch dip, wavy potato chips. diced onion and sliced dill pickles for us. That's a lot of food for little kids, but they did est some of everything.
Vegetable Basmati rice and kim chi
Pink lady apple with date paste
Chicken Scarpariello - chicken thighs browned in oil, then onions, garlic and bell peppers softened in oil, added wine, reduced and added chicken stock, finished braising the chicken in the sauce. Served over spaghetti.
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