My TNT Tomato Vegetable Juice Blend

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Here is the recipe I follow for pressure canning tomato plus juice. The proportions are the same, just doubled and tripled so I do not have to think when I head to the garden.

Tomato Juice, V6 or 5 or 7 Yield 4 Quarts

12 pounds tomatoes ¼ cup lemon juice
4 medium size carrots 2 T. honey
2 large sweet green or red peppers ½ t. black pepper
4 stalks calery, leaves included 2 bay leaves
2 onions 2 sprigs fresh basil and parsley
1 clove garlic 1 cayenne pepper chopped

Tomato juice Yield 8 quarts

24 pounds tomatoes ½ cup lemon juice
8 medium carrots 4 T. honey
4 large green peppers 1 t. black pepper
8 stalks celery 4 bay leaves
4 onions 4 sprigs basil and parsley
2 cloves garlic 2 cayenne peppers

Tomato Juice Yield 12 Quarts

36 pounds tomatoes ¾ cup lemon juice
12 medium carrots 6 T. honey
6 large peppers 1 1/2 t. black pepper
12 stalks celery 6 bay leaves
6 onions 6 sprigs basil and parlsey
3 cloves garlic 3 cayenne peppers

Wash tomatoes, rinse well. Blend in blender or food processor. Blend (liquify) other ingredients. Bring to a boil. Pour into sterilized jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Process at 11# pressure for 15 minutes (the most recent USDA recommendations I have) I remove the Bay Leaves before processing!!!

I add more garlic than given in this recipe, otherwise I follow this recipe.

I accidently posted this before I was ready, was trying to unscramble the ingredients to make it easier to read, but was not successful.

The technique I use to can tomatoes is not what is normally recommended. Often you are instructed to chop, core, dip in boiling water to remove skins, press through a seive to remove seeds and skins.......that stuff drives me crazy. I prefer to blenderize all the vegetables in a blender, heat the juice, then can. For the tomatoes, I really clean them, will scoop out the stem and and maybe slice off the butt end, depending if the tomato ends are dimpled or pointed. If they are dimpled then I slice that off because dirt could be trapped in the dimple. I quarter the tomatoes over the blender jar, as well as the other vegetables, and buzz them for at least 60 seconds, it takes that long to pulverize the seeds. I can tomatoes this way because I feel there is some nutritional value, as well as fiber, in the seeds and skins, and I have never liked any process that seperated the skins and seeds from the rest of the tomato, such as the popular Victoria Strainer. I can my tomato sauce this was also. For chili sauce, I use this same method only I stop the blender while the tomatoes are still chunky.
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