"My Soups" a gift idea

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Chef Maloney

Senior Cook
Oct 7, 2012
This is just an idea for anyone who wants to take the time to put together their own personalized collection of recipes and give them as gifts. Around 30 years ago, I put together 15 ringed binders with nearly 20 of my favorite soup recipes which I had collected over the years from family & friends. The binders I purchased have a plastic cover which allows you to slide a 'TITLE' sheet in the front & back sides. I titled them "MY FAVORITE SOUPS". Each recipe page was personalized with pictures of family & friends & pets, which I scanned and pasted in the upper right corners. I slid each recipe page into plastic protective sleeves (purchased at wal-mart) to keep the pages clean while they book is open in the kitchen. I gave the 'books' to family and friends for Christmas gifts, wrapped & tied to a cutting board. Well, it's been 30 years and the binders were so well liked (and still used today) I'm thinking I will do this again with dinner recipes I have collected. The binders took around 3 months to complete what with gathering the appropriate pics and recipes etc. Over the years, several friends have asked for copies and I have obliged them. Some of them have even sent me their own pictures to personalize and insert into the pages of the book. This is a great project for the family and lots of fun to do. Here are a few examples of the finished product.


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That is a great idea and one that many would appreciate receiving.

Years ago I put together a binder for each of my boys with their favorite meal recipes as well as some special recipes. Their Dad even made a contribution, which of course we saved for last. His was something like this ... Dad's Night To Cook .. Get 4 Hungry Man TV Dinners .... LOL

Anyway .. the boys really loved the cookbooks and eventually their spouses did also. They still have them and have even added to them.

A super idea for sure .. everyone should be lucky enough to receive a great collection of TNT recipes !!
When I was in graduate school, a dear friend was getting married. I was sooooo poor, I couldn't spare any money for a gift. I compiled a recipe book (about 285 pages) of all my favorite recipes, recipes from our friends, from her siblings, mom, and my grandma. I made copies of it for my brothers, mom, and myself. I use mine at least once or twice a week.
I used the same type of binder that you did for my brother's wife. The girl was a terrible cook, but really wanted to learn. She didn't have a parent or a grandparent that could teach her.

I took a bunch of tried and true recipes from the family and compiled them with detailed instructions. She loved this book so much and it gave her the confidence to branch out. This was probably close to 20 years ago.

I put where the recipe was from and any history at the top of the page. I saved these recipes on my computer (Packard Bell, remember those!) and printed out a book for myself which I still have and still add to on a regular basis.

Yours looks really well done, mine didn't have as much pizzazz!

She also was a terrible gift giver, she would buy random things that really weren't appropriate for the recipient, but again, she didn't have a good life growing up, so this "family" thing was new to her. The next year after getting this gift, she gathered all of the family photos that she could find and scanned them all on to CDs and gave them to family members, that was one of the most awesome gifts that I have ever gotten!
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Love your idea!!! Very cool. I love making personal gifts too and I'll try this for sure :)
Last year I made up pretty spice tins with with an assortment of Indian spices I bought in bulk at my local Indian spice shop. I put the spices in small brown paper bags and closed each one with mini washing pegs and made labels to put on each. Arranged them all nicely in the tin and wrote the uses for each spice in the lid of the tin. Medicinal as well as culinary use.
I also added a few TNT recipes.
Some years I make spice infused vodka or brandy in pretty bottles. Vanilla beans, orange and lemon zest, cinnamon, anise etc.
Jars with muffin, cookie or soup mix and the recipe on the label (dry ingredients)
Just thought I'd share a few ideas since I am nicking yours for sure!
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For a bridal shower one year, the girl liked to bake. I got her a 9x13 baking dish with the carrier, measuring cup, spatula, measuring spoons. Then I took my krazy kake recipe and mixed up all the dry ingredients into a pretty mason jar and added it along with the recipe. She loved it. I really like your idea of the binder. I don't know that I am organized enough to do that!
One of the reasons I'm working through my grandma's recipes is to give them to the next generation (and, in a few cases, the next-next generation). Hopefully I'll get through all of them by the end of 2013! I haven't had a lot of time to spend deciphering, experimenting and perfecting them in the kitchen, but I hope to spend some weekends this winter doing so. I'm hoping PF will help out with the white fruitcake recipe!
One of the reasons I'm working through my grandma's recipes is to give them to the next generation (and, in a few cases, the next-next generation). Hopefully I'll get through all of them by the end of 2013! I haven't had a lot of time to spend deciphering, experimenting and perfecting them in the kitchen, but I hope to spend some weekends this winter doing so. I'm hoping PF will help out with the white fruitcake recipe!

Send it on over to me! Glad to help out. I think I'm also supposed to be doing up a First Aid thread...:rolleyes:
One year I searched for gift ideas and did the same thing. Three ring binder, sheet protectors, etc. The title was "Gifts From The Heart And Hearth". Each page had clip art with at least one picture of one ingredient or material. It was a 3" binder. I sent seven of them to friends and it cost a small fortune in postage. They were Christmas gifts. One of the recipients got it just in time. Her finances were low that year and she made up some of the gifts for her neighbors and distance relatives. There were seven different sections of recipes and instructions on materials to use.

The idea was to put together all the dry ingredients in jars, boxes, etc. with instructions of how to put the recipe together for cooking. Every year I hear from one of the girls telling me she still uses the book year round. She shops yard sales for baskets and other containers to put the gifts together. Old mason jars are her favotie thing to look for. they make great containers for the beans in chili recipes. She even makes up baskets for the school fair each year. It took me more than a year to put the whole thing together.

Hand made gifts ar always more appreciated. :angel:
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That is an awesome gift! Soups are my favorite. The best part is they are all tried and true recipes. I don't even know you and would love a copy. lol
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