My lucky day or is it?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Last Friday my glass top stove glass shattered. It all started when my mom was helping me to cook for a large party I was having that night. She was checking something in the oven and accidentally dropped the door. The door has pretty strong spring. The inside glass got cracked. But that was not the end of the story. Latter that day I had all 4 burners going and the oven was set to 500 deg. All of a sudden the top glass shattered. Just like the wind shield of a car into million little pieces that are still attached together. I haven’t had chance to clean them yet.

I’ve hated that stove almost from the beginning, but there was nothing I could do about it. Now I pretty much have to. Unfortunately, I only have $1000.00 to spear on any emergency right now. And the stove I’m going to want I’m sure is going to be around 5-7 K. I would love to get commercial style stove (Vulcan, Thermodor, etc) and they are not cheap. But that is not where problem ends or is it starts. I only have gas in the kitchen and for double fuel stove; like I want I’d need to bring electricity into the house. That is not going to be easy, since the house is completely finished and the wire would have to be brought in thru the attic. I’m sure it is not going to be cheap either.

:( Eh, maybe I should have posted this in Venting thread. Any opinions on commercial style stoves? I do want self cleaning option.
All 4 burners going and the oven cranked up to 500? Oh My!:ohmy:

I would check to see if the thing is still under warranty. If it is, you might be able to finagle a new one.
Neah, it's not. It is 9 years old. Waranty is long gone. I would like to write a letter to Kitchen Aid. But I am just not that good of writing letters of complain.
duel fuels are nice .. getting a wire to your stove is half the issue ..
do you have room for a 30-50 amp breaker in your box ...
and since you have all gas now .. you probably have a 2 psi
system .. so it will need to be regulated to 1 psi for the duel
fuel .. at least from the dozen or so i have messed with in the last year ..
1000 bucks doesnt go far on this kind of thing ...
good luck ..
i KNOW, i DO NOT HAVE NEARLY ENOUGH MONEY. bUT AT THIS POINT I JUST LEARNED SOMETHING I HAD NO IDEA BEFORE. wHAT IS THE STORY WITH THOSE (oops) psi? You mean there is more issues than i bugened for? How do you regulate the pressure of the gas line? Talk to me brother! :ohmy:
you shouldnt have to worry about regulators if you go back
with what you had ..
not exact same model .. and you may not need to worry
about it if you did switch .. but its something that may
come up ...
Regulators are an easy install on any gas line.

Tough break, Charlie(no pun intended). Sounds silly, but check ebay, you can find great deals on some appliances there. Or check your community papper to see if any restaurants are shuting the doors. A lot of restaurants will auction off equiptment.
I am having a comprehension problem here. If you had a glass topped stove, it had to be electric, so why would you need to run new electric service for a dual fuel stove?

As far as buying a stove from a defunct restaurant, they're not insulated like a stove designed for a private residence is, so you might have a problem on your hands, unless you think you, and your neighbors, would enjoy a visit from the gang at the local fire house at oh-dark-thirty some morning. They do tend to make a bit of noise to announce their arrival.
caine .. that makes sense ...this is what i was going by ..

I only have gas in the kitchen and for double fuel stove; like I want I’d need to bring electricity into the house.
Caine, unfortunately it was the Gas stove. Total garbage. They, Kitchen Aid, do not even make this piece of c r a p, I meant model, anymore. The only nice feature it had was/is a night light. It turns on automatically when it is dark in the kitchen. So, that is why I would like to get the electrical line in the kitchen. And if I do, then I’ll be looking into dual fuel stove.

In all the truth the stove can be used as is I’ll have to get rid of the darn glass, I still haven’t removed it. I’m waiting for the clean up day, so I can make sure to clean all the broken glass if it falls on the floor or elsewhere.

I just got a call from electrician. The estimate was about $900 bucks, but he said if something goes wrong during the work it will be extra. Wow. I thought it might cost about $500, but practically a thousand dollars for an electrical line is way too much. I might as well remodel the whole kitchen. I may just have to live with a gas stove.

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