
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
You mean in 48 hours bacteria can form ?
I suppose it could if the moisture level is high enough, but no that's not what I meant. A fruit fly or moth could lay eggs on anything sitting out, so cover it or seal it right away, avoiding the contamination by bugs.
Ah ok I see so I could simply put a towel over it to protect it.

I also found this:

How Long Does Fudge Last at Room Temperature?​

Fudge typically contains dairy, but the high sugar content of this candy stabilizes it. If you intend to enjoy your fudge within 1 to 2 weeks, it can certainly be kept out at room temperature. By the way, here’s how to melt chocolate for making fudge.
LOL, just so you don't quote anyone here saying it was safe to do.... whatever!
What does the Food Product Acts for Quebec say?
If you are intending to make food and sell it, you shouldn’t be asking us home cooks these questions.

You need to do some serious research via reliable sources.

Also, get Serve Safe certified

Also, get a good lawyer
If you are intending to make food and sell it, you shouldn’t be asking us home cooks these questions.

You need to do some serious research via reliable sources.

Also, get Serve Safe certified

Also, get a good lawyer
No that’s not the way you do it. I have a government agent that’s looking into all that for me it’s just that in the meantime I was getting ahead of myself and curious. There’s no way I would make up processes myself and not have it validated by a professional!

I am serve safe certified !! Doesn’t mean I’m an expert at fudge setting procedures lol.

No lawyers needed either, a good corp. with not much in it and a good insurance and you’re good to go for now!

Maybe I have the wrong forum because I don’t think the forum is answering the questions that I need. This is mostly as a hobby cooking place. I need a forum with individuals that have gone through serious commercializations of food ! And I think this ain’t it 😆
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Maybe I have the wrong forum because I don’t think the forum is answering the questions that I need. This is mostly as a hobby cooking place. I need a forum with individuals that have gone through serious commercializations of food !
I think maybe we have been trying to tell you this from the beginning, no?
I'm truly glad you do have professionals on your team, they should have been able to answer your questions or at least guide you to the proper professionals.
I am serve safe certified !! Doesn’t mean I’m an expert at fudge setting procedures lol.
which brings up this little point - If you have your SFC license - then how could you be surprised by worms under food left on a counter for 9 months!
I think maybe we have been trying to tell you this from the beginning, no?
I'm truly glad you do have professionals on your team, they should have been able to answer your questions or at least guide you to the proper professionals.

which brings up this little point - If you have your SFC license - then how could you be surprised by worms under food left on a counter for 9 months!
Because you only make stepping stones with them when you have certain things in place, like machines, packaging etc…. You sound pretty uninformed yourself as to what it means to put a product on the market. There’s many other things to chisel away at and they’re not my brother where I could endlessly bother them you know! Forums pppfffttt. 🫤

-Because we want to see it and not just believe it 🤷🏻‍♂️

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