Mushroom Info

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
I have purchased kits from these people. Have had kits from another source as well. Results have been less than spectacular for sure but I believe it is only because I don't have a good environment. I'm posting this as info for others who might be interested.
LOL I'm pretty sure you other 'seasoned' mushroom growers already know most of this info but hey, never know, might be a tiny gem to help out.
This is a Canadian company and doubt they ship into the states but it is more for than info than anything else.
Fall Planting - mushrooms
So I decided to start the 2nd cube of mushrooms. Had bought them both at the same time but only started the one, which was a bit of a bust. Yes, got some but not many.
As per usual they take a long time to appear. Started to think they were also a bust when I suddenly saw little bumps. Within days they have "blossomed" to harvesting.
These are called Elm Oysters and are a beautiful creamy white. I've harvested only the big ones. Resprayed the others, cut some new slots and put back up on top of the bookcase under its tent.


That 'X' is what they tell you to do and the mushrooms are supposed to grow out of there. Well they never did. However I had made two cuts on either side of the cube which is where these came from.

left a couple


Turned a couple over & tried to edit a bit to show them off a bit better.
Now all I have to do is figure out how I want to cook them :unsure: and from someone who is a professional fence sitter- going to be a tough job.
As they are very delicate (like a lot of mushrooms) I'd better not dilly dally around. :rolleyes:
Any suggestions?
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