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When I was cashiering at 7-11, we had an ATM in the store. The guys were loading it with money one day and one of my customers got his feelers hurt. I guess he leaned over to look at the money on his way in and the guard very deliberately raised his gun at the guy. "All I did was look!" was what he told me. Well, don't look next time. They take their job seriously.

I worked grave at that 7-11 and the cops would just sit across the street sometimes and watch the store for a bit. One customer sped into the parking lot and backed in in a getaway position and then came running into the store. He just wanted to beat the deadline for getting beer, but that cop across the street was in the store in a nanosecond. As I recall, that customer complained, too, but hey, when you rip into the parking lot, back up to the door, and run into the store, what do you think is going to happen?

I always did like what one cop said, though. "When we get a call to a 7-11, we never know who the victim is going to be, the cashier or the customer." In my case it was probably true. I kept a bat behind the counter and I let the local hooligans know it.
Ginny, my ex was in his patrol car, slowly driving around behind the shopping centre. Two armed men burst through a door right on top of him. He thought, "This is it. I'm dead"
turned out they were detectives from the city chasing a bank robber. They'd gotten a tip and were staking out the bank. My ex was not a happy camper, never having been warned about them.
Quite a few cops will not enter a bank in their uniforms on personal business. Only on a call.
Before I started my own business, there was a time when I worked in downtown L.A. I remember one day when the plant manager could be heard all over the building yelling, "Get down, he's got a gun!" Turns out it was the guard from USC, he had chased a rapist from the campus all the way to our plant...and he was hiding in the pallets of printed materials.

Then there were the winter days. One did not want to work late. We had to get to our cars before the sun started to go down. They were building the subway and that caused the rodents to wander the streets...and these rodents were the size of medium-size dogs! I remember one morning, one of the girls came in screaming that there was a rat on her desk! That same plant manager jumped up on his desk and said, "well, don't bring it in here!" LOL...he was a character, God rest his soul.

And now you know some of the reasons I started my own business! L.A. was a great place to grow up...it changed a lot over the years!
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