Last thing that made you smile?

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Aww, P.A.G, your post and pics made me smile. You sound like 'the fun auntie' and I'm sure your nieces will have some good memories. :)

Katie, I loved your daffodil story as well. Very sweet. :wub: they are:


  • From Glenn 3-28-14.jpg
    From Glenn 3-28-14.jpg
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Woohoo! I didn't kill my laptop. It's working fine today.

After the hard drive died on my desktop computer on Tuesday, April fools, I went and spilt some akvavit on the touch pad of the laptop. Since I killed a laptop last year with a glass of wine (and the smart phone almost died when it hopped in the toilet), I knew not to tilt the computer. Turn it off and let it dry for 24 hours. Yeah, I think I will stop drinking booze near computers. :rolleyes:

In just over 30 years of owning personal computers, last year was the first time I ever spilled on a computer or even damaged one.

So, yesterday I just hid by reading a good book. I checked my email, Discuss Cooking, and Facebook on my phone. It's just not the same.

I am now eager to get back to tax returns. :LOL:
I have worked for companies that won't allow you to have a drink on your desk for just that reason. Fortunately, that has never happened to me at home even though I always have a cup nearby. :angel:
I am getting a new ignition electrical system for my scooter. The technician was just here and even he couldn't get it to turn on at first. Yea! :angel:
What was the election for? :angel:
It was to elect members to the National Assembly (that's the name of the Quebec parliament). Because it's a parliamentary system, the leader of the party with the most members elected becomes the premier (equivalent to governor). Of course, that assumes that one party has a majority and that doesn't always happen. It was a minority government and the election was called early in hopes of gaining enough support to become a majority government.

There are a number of parties, so there isn't always one party with a majority. Sometimes that leads to the party with the most elected members running a minority government. If two or more of the parties, that have a majority between them, can agree, then we get a coalition government with those parties sharing the running of the government and choosing the premier (but usually the leader of the largest of those parties).
The term, "Frog Frenchie" doesn't make me smile.

Two minds think alike. And I haven't a drop of French blood in me. :angel:

To be honest, I didn't see the name, only the video. I am not French, but through learning the cuisine (both Quebecois and European French) I fell in love with the culture. I think that the name is wrong, but if they are French, then with "Froggy Frenchie Fun" they may be poking fun at themselves. It still isn't PC at all.

I still love the dog.
Okay, I am not smiling now. I looked at the sight. These little French Bulldogs are going for $4,500 each! Yes, they are pure bread. But so are my sister's Goldens (her friend is a breeder and breeds my sister's dogs for her). They are anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 and I think that is high! ;)
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