Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I've been watching this all week, and I feel like I learn more in one episode than I do in most of the new cooking shows.

Even if its something i eat, they are just so knowledgable.

They dont make them like that anymore. Its when a chef was a chef, and not worrying about their celebrity status.
Any of the shows with both or either one by themselves are better than any of the other cooking shows. I started watching the French Chef back in the '60's. I even skipped school to do so.:angel:
If you ever get a chance to meet him, or see him doing a cooking demo, its a great experience. He does things effortlessly in a timely fashion. Even when a few live curveballs were thrown at him ( equipment malfunctions, missing ingredients) he still moved right along. No editing, no crappy music in the background, just a talented chef doing what he was trained to do. Wish I had the same opportunity to see / meet Julia.
You never hear any criticism about either one of them. Julia lived in Cambridge. She often dined out at local restaurants. If a fan stopped at her table, she was always very gracious. And when Jacques was teaching at Boston University, students always commented on how easy it was to learn from him. Tons of patience with all his students. He not only taught how, but the why of it. :angel:
Julia was criticized on her original comments about Cajun food and/or hot and spicy food. She claimed that it destroyed the taste buds.
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