ISO Seville oranges in UK

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Jan 27, 2008
warrington, england
i usually shop in the fruit section at our market, but have never seen Seville oranges there, do any uk supermarkets sell them?

If not does anyone have a nice recipy for orange marmalade that uses 2normal" oranges?
Hi, Alisontomsmum,

I bought some Seville oranges in Sainsbury's a couple of weeks ago. They are sold in 1.5 kilo bags. I froze the oranges on the day of purchase, and will make marmalade when I have the time. Hope this helps.
very similar to seville oranges for marmalade is lemon, which makes delicious marmalade
My mom makes marmalade from canned Seville oranges. She loves it but I cannot stand marmalade so I can't tell you how it comes out.

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