I have an indoor grill that i LOVE - bought it on HSN. It might be made by Bravetti, if I can find the manual. It is a plug in, w a thermostat, glass (tempered?) lid and very large and round, about the size of a pizza. It came w a steamer ring, way back, to steam clams. I haven't used that feature yet. I grilled brats/peppers/hashbrowns, shrimp, dogs, burgers, reheated pizza. There are so many things you can make on it - & there's room to grill an entire meal, i.e. salmon and asparagus. You could do a search on hsn, but I've had it a few years now. It did come up on ebay, after I bought mine, for less $. As I recall, it was under $30. It also has grill grooves & a nonstick surface. The grilling part is removeable to wash. If you can find it, it's worth every penny.