I'll have a black and blue Christmas!

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Head Chef
Jul 7, 2004
I don't know what's going on with me and this time of year the last two years, but it's official.. I'm hurt again. :mad:

The whole back of my leg is brusied up again! :cool:

Last year you may remeber there was the slight issue with having to get part of a finger sewn back on at Thanksgiving... :mellow:

Today I just got confirmation back on what I already knew. I've got a torn hamstring. Again! (Which is how I already knew what it was)

Since this is the second time, I'm still not sure if I'll just be on the rehab and motrin program, or if they'll need to try to sew me back together...

Anyhow... I'm still somewhat mobile and the Apron, while delayed, should be heading out tomorrow!

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Take it easy, Santa needs you:LOL: Really friend..Rest and please take care.
You better stop jumping on the bed before you break something next time!!
Seriously, I hope you feel better real soon!!
You poor little thing! Hope you get well before the 2007 bumps and bruises start. LOL
2 songs for ya, well one rhyme and one song;

Once there was a Rohnjon, jumpin' on the bed
tore his hamstring and bumped his head,
went to the doctor and the doctor said
no more Rohnjon's jumpin' on the bed.:LOL:

Blues, dispair, and agony on me
deep dark depression, excessive misery
if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
blues, dispair, and agony on me.

Ok, now I'll make one up. To be sung to the tune of "How Much Is That Doggie In the Window"

How much are those crutches in the window
The ones that are cusioned so nice
How much are those crutches in the window
I hurt my leg slippin' on ice

I must take a trip to my old doctor
His vision is not what it was
He'll thwap my knee twice, with his hammer
I'll really try hard not to cuss.

How much are those crutches in the window...

My wife, she can be so sympathetic
But this time she only could laugh.
I laid in a puddle feeling stupid
as witnessed by all of our staff.

How much are those crutches in the window...

I'm sure glad my children couldn't see me
They'd never let me live it down
I know that they'll give me lotsa lovin'
even though I must've looked like a clown

Everybody sing! And Hoowww much are those crutches in the window,
The ones that are cusioned so nice
How much are those crutches in the window
I hurt my leg slippin' on ice:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

But seriously my freind, please be careful and do what the doctor says. I know your pain as I have suffered severe sprains and a torn ligament or two. It takes time to heal. Let those aroound you help you out a bit. You have my prayers and my symathies. Get well soon.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Bless your heart, RonJon! I'll bet that hurts like the devil! Please don't push yourself too much, or your injury may get worse. Take it from one who knows.


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Oi! Thats very painful! Try to take it easy on that muscle. Hope your better soon. Use a heat pad too.
ronjohn, Are you usually rushing? Try and "take it slower". Enjoy.
Ouch! A torn hamstring is NO fun! I couldn't believe how black and blue the back of my husband's leg was when he tore his! Take it easy!!!!!

how in the world did you tear your hammy, ronjohn? a second time? hope they don't have to go in.

one word, streeeeeeeetch. i've always stretched out my legs a lot, hence few lower body injuries. it was either stretch or try to explain to people why i was writhing in pain, trying to straighten out my charlie horse cramped up hamstrings, quads, and shins.

the bruising must be cool, tho. take pics. white folks turn all sorts of cool colors. (reminds me of the old richard pryor joke)
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