How to treat a cut finger

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How bad is it? Bandaid or stitches?

For the record, I vote yell, scream, jump up and down swearing.
Super glue. No I'm not kidding, hold the cut closed and have someone put super glue on it, if it is too hard to do by yourself. It is full of alcohol so it will sterilize the cut and hold it closed. reapply daily if necessary.

I did the cursing thing already. When the accident happens, it's hard to know how bad or deep it is. My first reaction is to just stop the bleeding - pressure, ice, etc. Luckily, this one is shallow. But, I've got green peppers to chop too, while the pork pieces brown...

Do you have latex gloves in your cupboard? I don't, and maybe I should.
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Superglue does work, but for a deep cut I'd still go to the ER. Finger wounds are kinda like head wounds in that they bleed like you're dying even when they're minor. Lots of capilaries close to the skin surface. If you are worried about contaminating food you're preparing or getting food in the cut then once you get the bleeding stopped, bandage or wrap with gauze. Then use rubber gloves or if you don't have them wrap the finger in plastic wrap and tape closed. Just be careful not to wrap too tightly. You don't want to cut off circulation.
A superglue type product is used in the medical field instead of stitches sometimes. I always use superglue. I hate bandaids because in my job I wash my hands dozens of times a day, the super glue holds up to all that handwashing. Since it is full of alcohol it sterilizes the cut and keeps it sealed from anything getting in that could cause an infection.
No need for antibiotic ointment? which kinda grosses me out if it leeches into my food...

My stew is simmering. I'm still searching my garage for a tube of superglue.
Buy some finger cots at the drug store. They're like little condoms for your fingers. I use them when I cut myself and have a lot of prep still to do. Solves the 'blood in the food' issue.
My stew is red chile. Maybe I should just chill and think of it as compatible spice.

I've had deep knife cuts in the past, too. Accidents that trigger systemic shock.
The superglue is a good idea and you should keep powderless nitrile gloves, in your kitchen. I can usually find three or 4 dried out superglue tubes hanging around.
The only thing superglue sticks better than a quarter to a desktop is skin to skin. It can sting when you use it but it works really well. Be careful with it though, don't want to have your thumb stuck to the cut... :)
Careful you don't glue your hand to your face...:)


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Shallow cut: Sometime over the summer I cut my finger (something I do fairly often). Minor, but it wouldn't quit bleeding. I'd met some friends at our "third place" and the darned finger kept breaking open. Asked my favorite bartend for a bit of salt in a saucer, licked my finger, and rolled it in the salt.

All my friends thought I was nuts, but it absolutely worked. We're talking a very shallow cut that for some reason wouldn't quit bleeding (could it be the copious amounts of wine? Probably, it is a blood thinner!)
PrincessFiona60 said:
Careful you don't glue your hand to your face...:)

I've glued finger to thumb, finger to hair and finger to superglue cap. Fortunately I suffered no injuries from any of the incidents. Forget what I used to separate myself from the various items. The hubby was only helpful in these matters after he quit laughing so hard he couldn't type. He looked up what to use online for me. I think the finger to hair one got him the worst. It was a good chunk of hair in the front, maybe about 1/8 inch thick if it were braded, and fairly close to the top so it would have been rather noticeable if I'd needed to cut it. That was the last one and a new house rule was created. I'm not supposed to use superglue without supervision anymore.
I'm a bit clutzy and easily distracted. I'm fortunate that I'm also fairly cautious or I'd probably have seriously injured myself by now. Instead I just end up with humorous stories to tell about my various midadventures.
I'm a bit clutzy and easily distracted. I'm fortunate that I'm also fairly cautious or I'd probably have seriously injured myself by now. Instead I just end up with humorous stories to tell about my various midadventures.

I have several pairs of those "Shape-ups" shoes by Sketchers...the ones with the rockers soles...I fall over.:wacko: Shrek said next 'fall over' he's throwing them away.
Lol. I've been known to trip over nothing on perfectly flat ground in proper fitting flat shoes, have my own saliva go down the wrong hole so I start coughing like I'm dying for no apparent reason (usually during a test or lecture or serious meeting at work), go to turn a corner and cut it a little close so I walk into it instead and I'm always bashing my shins or elbows or stubbing my toes on something. Most of the time I don't even notice anymore and I sometimes find myself wondering where some bruise or another came from. I'm not a particularly graceful girl. I am sturdy though, so it works out. I can take the abuse my clutziness dishes out.
Late to the vampire fest, but yes, superglue. Or better yet, look for crazy glue, the one with a brush applicator like fingernail polish has. It works good if you nick your dog's quick trimming their nails, too. I keep a couple bottles around.
The only thing about using super glue is that its not sterilized , The super glue that doctors use is the same thing but its sterile.
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