Goodbye to Flash

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Executive Chef
Aug 24, 2006
Basingstoke, England
I had to take my dog, Flash to be euthansaed today. He was coping with life anymore. We got him when the boys were 1 and 3, so he has been part of our life for many years.


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I am so sorry. I know how difficult that decision is. He was a very beautiful dog who looks like he enjoyed his life with you. My condolences to you and your family. You are all in my prayers for peace in your grief.
What a name........must have been a great dog and companion especially for your children.........that's also where they learn unconditional love and friendship......I'm sure that Flash had the best life ever.........I'm sorry........
My deepest sympathies to your and your family. I've been through that too many times, most recently in August 2007. Those decisions are among the hardest pet lovers ever have to make, but when time comes, it's pretty clear what you have to do. I'm sure you made the right choice. Your pain will eventually pass, leaving you with only good memories of your beloved Flash.
I'm so sorry miniman, I know how heartbreaking that is. Hug to you. {{{{{{{{{{{miniman}}}}}}}}}}}}
I'm sorry to hear that miniman. It sounds like Flash had a good, long life as part of your family, leaving you with some good memories. What a beautiful boy he was!

I'm so sorry, it takes strength to make that decision. Flash looks like he was a great dog and I'm sure he will be remembered.
My thoughts are with you and your family Mini... he is now pain free and running through meadows!

This is what I told Flash when he was on the table - he had gotten really doddery and tired.

I also told the boys this. Yesterday morning, you could see that Flash wanted to do things, but just couldn't get his legs to coperate.
Hugs to you miniman. I know what you are going through. He made your family a better family and for that you will be forever indebted to him!

Flash - run fast boy!
Bless your hearts, I know how much this hurt..You have my sympathy and prayers for peace. You did the loving thing for Flash and he now has crossed rainbow bridge and is a healthy happy young pup again..
Flash sounds like he was a wonderful dog and know he is chasing tennis balls to his hearts content up in Doggie Heaven. Miniman it takes a lot of strength to let go of a family member. It is a very hard thing to do and I applaud you for making the right decision even though I am sure that is still hurts in your heart.
I'm so sorry! I've walked in those shoes and they are not easy steps to take. Take some comfort in knowing you did your last duty to your old friend. Hugs coming your way from me and Gidgett.
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