Going MIA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thought I would report in here as I will probably take most of the weekend off.

My angiogram went very smoothly and my heart (as I suspected all along) is healthy. No blockages so no work had to be done. My leg is sore where they went in and I am groggy from the sedatives but I didn't have to be given a general anesthetic and was home by 1 pm....3-5 hours earlier than they first quoted!

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support. I couldn't have done it without you! :)

Just one more word. Don't be surprised if the entry area and surrounding tissues turn an ugly black and blue. There is no way they can suture the artery so a little blood seeps out every so often. Not a big deal. Just rest and stay off your legs as much as possible. Your body will absorb the leaked blood.

And I am happy that everything turned out so well for you. :angel:
Thought I would report in here as I will probably take most of the weekend off.

My angiogram went very smoothly and my heart (as I suspected all along) is healthy. No blockages so no work had to be done. My leg is sore where they went in and I am groggy from the sedatives but I didn't have to be given a general anesthetic and was home by 1 pm....3-5 hours earlier than they first quoted!

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support. I couldn't have done it without you! :)
Hey sweet girl, I'm so happy for you an TB. Spend the weekend resting and just enjoy life as it is. Know that we all love you much.
LP, I am so glad things went well and that you are now recovering. Coming home early must have been a nice gift for you. I am sure TB will take great care of you. Take it easy.
Thanks, everyone for your well wishes. I am off to my recliner again to rest, but just thought I would pop in quick.
ditto on the babe.

and margi was, well, found out to be a fraud as was suspected here but ferreted out on other sites. at least with her food photography if nothing else. i hope that's ok to say. i'm not being rude or slamming anyone. just speaking the truth.

and i miss bolas and harry, the brothers de fraile, as well. but i kind of understand why they're not around from what they told me.

this can always be 'splained in a pm if anyone's interested. i don't blame anyone for their actions or feelings, really. it was a difficult situation.

Me too please!
Me 3!
Hey sweet girl, I'm so happy for you an TB. Spend the weekend resting and just enjoy life as it is. Know that we all love you much.

poor bt must be inundated with all of our pms....:(

bt, maybe you could come up with a generic (one-size-fits-all) form letter to send out to everybody?

Oh my! Does bt really want to deal with all that PMS'? Run bt, run!!! I will head the ladies off at the pass. BTW, I am too old for PMS. :angel:
Let's get this thread back on track. It's to be used for letting folks know if you will be missing for a bit. Thanks.
Well my good news is that I am not going to be missing. I have been really doing good lately. Feel great. Now though I do worry about babe. I hope she is tuned in. the last I heard she was doing a sewing project. :angel:
Let's get this thread back on track. It's to be used for letting folks know if you will be missing for a bit. Thanks.

That's why I thought the thread was started, too, but then I saw folks posting in here and nowhere else. How can you be missing if you're posting in the Missing In Action thread all the time? :LOL:
I thought it had turned into another chatter thread... but you're right. Let's get back to what happened to Bolas and Harry.
lol, addie.

sorry about the delay. i had a very busy night at work, then my parents 65th wedding anniversary to attend on saturday.

i'll have time to reply to everyone sunday.

what i certainly will say is that bolas and harry are sorely missed by a lot of folks.

(we need better aim...)
Aruba Vacation

I'll be here from Sunday the 27th through Sunday the 3rd of Feb.

Probably check in once a day while winding down at night.


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Thanks guys. We are really looking forward to this year's trip. It'll be good to relax in the sun with our friends.

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