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@Kaneohegirlinaz, you and your dear DH sure have come through a long trial! I'm so happy for both of you that it ended well. Next time he complains about anything maybe you need to conk him on the head, drag him out to the car, and drive him to the doctor. :giggle: I hope the shoulder he landed on wasn't the arm that had been surgically repaired...

K-Girl said: I haven’t had a chance to sit down and have a good cry, yet, but I will.
Crying can be very cathartic. I hope some of those tears are for joy, though, seeing as how sideways this entire episode could have gone. Big (((hugs))) to you.
Mahalo, thank you all for your kinds words, it's been a time.
@Cooking Goddess , yes that is the arm that he had that Bicep re-attachment surgery on back in 2019 AND it's his dominant hand! I FINALLY got someone to look at his shoulder (the same ortho guy that did his bicep), the Cardio Doc wanted him to see an Ortho guy... it's a grade 3 A C separation, poor Dear. Doc said that PT should take care of it though, no more surgery. DH kept saying "there's something really wrong with my shoulder, it hurts like h---!" and that's sayin' something coming from him! Ortho Doc said the people in ER did a horrible job x-raying it!

This morning as we sat down at the kitchen table for our coffee, DH gave me this


I had my cry!
I bawled my eyes out, all the while hugging him as tight as I could, without hurting him (he's a good foot taller than me).
Poor thing is all busted up!
We got all of his bandages off of him, cleaned up, bathed, shaved, teeth brushed, hair (what there is of it left) combed and shined up like new, well kinda.
The necklace is beautiful. The card echoes something everyone should have said to them at least once in their life. He is very fortunate to have you as well. Am happy to hear that he is home with you. Prayers for a full recovery.
The necklace is beautiful. The card echoes something everyone should have said to them at least once in their life. He is very fortunate to have you as well. Am happy to hear that he is home with you. Prayers for a full recovery.
Thank you Kathleen.
I have the necklace on and the card is in our wedding photo on my desk.
Everytime I read the card I cry ... DH is not one for sentiments, but I know that he meant this.
He told me that he really did squeeze this tight to give it all the love he had for me, should I need it in the future... I will treasure this forever....
K'girl, I'm sorry to hear about what you and your DH have been through recently. I'm glad he's feeling better. What a beautiful necklace and a wonderful sentiment. Best wishes for good health and healing ♥
I am fine. I, as did a huge portion of Québec, lost power due to Wednesday's ice storm. This time it was the wind gusts breaking branches and whole tree's falling on power lines. Then, we lost cell service. I had been using cell data to access the internet when the modem and router couldn't work without power. To make it extra creepy, we also lost dial tone on our old fashioned landline.

I won't be around much until we get power back. The power packs are starting to run low. Hydro Québec expects to have everyone's power back by some time on Monday. We couldn't find the started can of butane for the Thunder Range, so we started a new one. We are on the next and last one.
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We have power back since 10:07 AM. Hydro Québec is saying that they may have to switch people off to continue with repairs. So, we have charged everything that needed charging. At least if they have to turn us off, we should maintain access to cell service and the internet. They worked on the outages that affected the largest number of people first. There are still "63 125 customers out of 1 084 059" without power in the Montreal region and "91 461 customers out of 4 538 209" without power in the whole of Quebec.

DH was getting ready to go to a Starbucks and recharge phones and battery packs when the power came back on. Most of that stuff was pretty darned low, if not emptied of charge.

We cooked supper a few times. I'll post in the appropriate supper threads. The house is warming up and the fridge is cooling off. There will be a lot of food going out with the garbage tonight, but possibly less than I expected. The milk and cream in the fridge haven't gotten funky. But, the freezer will be a different story. Not looking forward to dealing with that.
Glad to see you back in the modern world,  taxy. Were you still able to keep the house warm? Our furnace heats with oil, but the fan needs electricity for it to run. My SIL and her hubby had a propane gas fireplace that could be set for a manual start, which they switched to if a serious storm looked likely.

You don't have to toss spoiled dairy if you have the energy to bake. Spoiled milk is great for pancakes my Mom's recipe for Baking Powder Kuchen. I just baked a batch of cream scones that use a cup of heavy cream, no butter or eggs. If you (or anyone) would like the recipe, I can post it later tonight.
We heat with electric and there is no fireplace. The water in the electric kettle read 12°C (54°F) when the power came back, but it's warmer upstairs, where we spent most of our time.

Looks like the dairy is still fine and more stuff is still frozen than I had expected. In fact, the big chest freezer downstairs might have been packed tight enough to be fine. I guess it helps that it was pretty cool in the basement. We have emptied the fridge freezer, thrown out some stuff, some of which should have been thrown out in any case, and put stuff back in it.
We almost never lose power, but last year we had lost it for a day or two. I thought for sure everything would be spoiled in the fridge / freezer, but I was an amazed how well insulated they were and how well they maintained their temps. especially the outside fridge and feeder ( in the garage). They're basically cheapies just to store the over flow. Hope you didnt loose much ( or anything).

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