Friday, June 16, 2023, what's for dinner?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Salad with avocado, cherry tomatoes, red onion, gorgonzola, and bacon with a homemade vinaigrette with a bit of garlic.
Had to work -- all day -- on solving a problem with our new car. It has been 2 months and DH just isn't pushy enough! Anyway, I have an appointment to solve the issue, next week. Don't feel much like making a big fuss on dinner. We'll have burgers and maybe some grapes too.
Navajo tacos

I bought a brisket trimmed out the fat between the point and the flatcut the flat into two pieces. Made one section into the meat part of Navajo tacos. Made a bean-based stew, shredded cabbage, lettuce and cheese. Garnish with sour cream, salsa, cilantro and a squeeze a lime.

And fry bread too though you really can't see it.


The cilantro and lime really elevate the dish, cutting through the fatty fry bread and brisket.

The other half of the flat will get made into a pot roast and the point will be used for pho.
I tried a new recipe that I thought it would be interesting. It was for a salad and the dressing for that salad. It was okay. It was kinda bland. Not really even good enough to bother trying to make the recipe better. It was a salad of Boston lettuce, peas, asparagus, and creamy dressing. There was crumbled Feta, which we each added to taste and some devilled eggs, which were very tasty, if I do say so myself.

Salad of Boston lettuce, asparagus, and  peas, and Feta.jpg
Deviled eggs.jpg
We got Chinese takeout. I had roast pork lo mein and ordered vegetable delight for the first time. DH had his usual boneless ribs with pork fried rice. The veggie delight was pretty good, although there was a lot of broccoli, which I can't eat and DH doesn't like. Fortunately our dog likes it 😁
Yesterday was an easy lunch and dinner, veggie brown basmati rice on the plate, then broccoli and cauliflower and water chestnuts decorating the entire top, covered and microwaved 7 minutes, dressed with a sweet and savory garlic ginger sauce. Later, meal sized salads, unfortunately he mistook the large hot sauce container (different shape) for the tomato dressing, and could not eat it, lol. No one could. So he had the other meal sized salad with tomato dressing. We have more salads to make for today.
I found these chicken street tacos at Costco and opted to try them. I liked them a lot in the chicken was tasty and the kit came with everything one would need: salsa, lime crema, cole slaw mix, cheese, limes, and tortillas. The salsa was tasty. I added some avocado and made some peach salsa to round it out. I had some bean and corn mix onhand and opted to use it up. I'll buy the kit again as I had dinner on the table with minimal clean up in about 15 minutes.

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