Five Guys burger love

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Ha ha... yeah they do have a great deal of oil...
That's a little bit of an understatement ;)

Like one of the times I was there, we were eating in. Yet they still dump your fries into a bag. So whatever, the burgers are put on the tray, the fries are dumped into the bag and also set onto our tray. In the short time it took us to walk from the counter to a table, the bag was soaked through with grease.

I was pretty disgusted, but I tried a few of the fries anyway. Nasty. Floppy, greasy, smelly and just... :sick:

Now, I know most fries, when simply dumped into a paper bag instead of put into a carton of their own, are probably going to also give off a good amount of oil that we can actually see. But I really don't know if any of the other fries out there would give off quite that much.
Five Guy's fries remind me of those we get on the boardwalk at the beach. I actually like the ones I get around here. Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside...get soggy if you dump vinegar on them but dipping is fine with me.
Five Guy's fries remind me of those we get on the boardwalk at the beach. I actually like the ones I get around here. Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside...get soggy if you dump vinegar on them but dipping is fine with me.
Love vinegar on fries. But can't do the soggy thing. And that's what Five Guys is to me. Soggy, greasy, nasty grossness.
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