Recc's for electric *large* pizza oven, that gets to a high temp?

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Assistant Cook
Sep 16, 2024
I currently have a Piezano oven, which--I have to admit--I just love. Gets almost to 800 F. Cost about $100 USD. Been really reliable. Only downside for me...and it's a huge the small size. It can handle a max pie of only about 12 inches diameter. And looking at the Piezano competitors; this seems to be the same with almost all of them, in terms of not being able to do larger pies. My own hunts online have not yielded any success. What I would love to find is: (a) able to handle pizzas up to 15 or 16 inches. (b) Get well over 700 degrees. (c) Affordable. (I think there's a large electric Ooni oven, but it's about $1,000, and that's unfortunately waaayyyy over my budget.) I've seen a few larger ovens, but their max temp is like 200 degrees cooler than what I have. Having to make two small pizzas (rather than the one large that my family would prefer) has not been a horrible imposition on me. So, if there's nothing out there yet (or nothing that's reasonably priced), it's no big deal. But if there is such a unicorn, then I'd definitely jump on it.
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