Fattening and unhealthy? This fits the bill!

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I found a recipe for a great tasting dessert:

One bowl of Cool Whip

One small container of sorbet.

I usually use Haagen Dazs sorbets. You can use strawberry, lemon, whatever. I really like the peach.

So you soften both the sorbet and the Cool Whip. Beat half the Cool Whip together with the sorbet and spread into a pie dish (you don't even need a crust for this one). Then spread the rest of the Cool Whip over the top. Cover and put back into freezer to serve after it's cold.
I found a recipe for a great tasting dessert:

One bowl of Cool Whip

One small container of sorbet.

I usually use Haagen Dazs sorbets. You can use strawberry, lemon, whatever. I really like the peach.

So you soften both the sorbet and the Cool Whip. Beat half the Cool Whip together with the sorbet and spread into a pie dish (you don't even need a crust for this one). Then spread the rest of the Cool Whip over the top. Cover and put back into freezer to serve after it's cold.
Hmm.....okay, I'm sure it is tasty enough. It sounds a bit like the start to a refrigerator dessert, which I rarely turn down. However, fattening and unhealthy? You can do soooo much better than this. How about a deep-fried twinkie with ice cream, whipped topping, chocolate sauce and sprinkles? Then we could move on to this:

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I guess I am at the age where I realize that I should have taken better care of myself and now say, "Eh....why start now?" ;)
Yeah, no, you don't have to use Cool Whip. Regular whip cream will do. But this is how I found the recipe and it was good, so I didn't bother to change it any. I mean, I maybe eat this once a year, if that.

However, now I'm having trouble finding a sorbet I like. So I may get those fruit flavored peach ice bars I saw. I have no idea how that will come out.

Kathleen, even I couldn't eat that. I'm not much of a sweet person, which is why I like sorbet over ice cream. But oh, Lord, anything deep fat-fried will attract me like a moth to a light.
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