Family oddest dish that is always made

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No problem with jello salad. Though once a very nice elderly church lady brought a lemon jello salad with baby shrimp, corn, peas, and apparently cleaned out the rest of the fridge to put in the lemon jello salad. It was at my grandfather's funeral reception at my parents' house. We cousins all had a good laugh looking at this lemon jello salad. Nobody ate any, it scared us.

I despise sweet potatoes with brown sugar and marshmallows on top. Blech. Maybe it's just me.
No problem with jello salad. Though once a very nice elderly church lady brought a lemon jello salad with baby shrimp, corn, peas, and apparently cleaned out the rest of the fridge to put in the lemon jello salad. It was at my grandfather's funeral reception at my parents' house. We cousins all had a good laugh looking at this lemon jello salad. Nobody ate any, it scared us.

I despise sweet potatoes with brown sugar and marshmallows on top. Blech. Maybe it's just me.

Not just you, I think that is horrendous.
Something like this, Dawg? :ohmy::wacko::sick: Eons ago, a family member brought something similar to one of our Thanksgiving dinners. :LOL:
jello with shrimp.jpg

No to the marshmallowy sweet potatoes here, too. Ugh. I didn't even like that as a kid.
Something like this, Dawg? :ohmy::wacko::sick: Eons ago, a family member brought something similar to one of our Thanksgiving dinners. :LOL:
View attachment 25760

No to the marshmallowy sweet potatoes here, too. Ugh. I didn't even like that as a kid.

Sort of, but she used baby shrimp and mixed it with the rest of the contents of her fridge. Your pic looks much better!
Yuck, yuck, yuck, it belongs in the toilet. Growing up, my Dad would take a can of tomato juice, milk--heat that and then add some baking soda and butter. HATE his "tomato" soup. He made it while I was thrift-store shopping on Saturday. If the leftovers are still there tomorrow a.m., they will go in the toilet. HATE that soup. I actually love tomatoes, but not in tomato soup of any kind. Wonder why?
I couldn't eat anything tomato growing up because I was allergic to them in a big way. And I hated eggs. While most mothers would pile ketchup on anything to make it go down better, mine didn't have that option.

So, to get me to eat my scrambled eggs my mother would splash them with soy sauce and I would gobble them up. I still put the stuff on just about everything...including rice. I usually use ranch dressing for french fries but I have been known to use soy sauce on them as well once in awhile.
...I usually use ranch dressing for french fries but I have been known to use soy sauce on them as well once in awhile.

I started using mayonnaise with french fries when I saw my BIL do it over 50 years ago. I still do from time to time.
I started using mayonnaise with french fries when I saw my BIL do it over 50 years ago. I still do from time to time.
When I was first house-shopping when we were moving here, our realtor and I stopped for lunch. She asked for mayo with her french fries - I had never heard of it! When lunch showed up, she had me dip a fry into the mayo. Meh. I hadn't missed out on anything special as far as I could tell. I'm not much of a French fry eater to begin with, though.

Now serve me some well-done, fat dinner fries with a bottle of malt vinegar? I'm all over them!
And as far as the thread topic goes, although not a weird dish, every time we have a barbecue my mom serves corn on the cob, but not fresh corn on the cob, its the half cobs that come frozen in a bag ( strike one, but understandable cause its easy). She puts up the water, and starts boiling them from when she starts preparing dinner, then boils them throughout the whole dinner making process ( an hour +), then lets them sit in the hot water until ready to be served leaving it about as mushy as they can become ( strike two). Obviously, no one eats them and she doesn't like to waste food, so she refreezes them just to start the whole process ( with the same corn) over the next meal( strike three). I swear she some of those corn cobs are probably as old as I am as they've been recycled year after year.

Also, like mentioned above, almost every meal has pickles and olives. whether its Italian, mexican, middle eastern ... doesn't matter. My mom has to hide the pickle and olive dish until dinner is served to prevent me and my brother from picking at them prior to dinner. She still yells at us like we're little kids, its hysterical. And then when she finally serves them, we fight over them, as we did when we were younger, grabbing handfuls so the other won't get any. Fist fights have broken out over who gets more olives or pickles.
Our DD started eating french fries with mayo after she went to Belgium on a school-sponsored trip, and has never stopped. She got to go to Europe 4 times when she was in high school, the school got great deals on the trips and had fund raisers the kids could participate in to help defray costs. Anyway, I just don't get the fries and mayo things, but then I don't use ketchup either, just plain salted fries are good for me. Honestly, I don't even like cheesy fries, though I love potato skins with lots of cheese, and loaded baked potatoes.
My mum still makes lutfisklåda ( lutefisk bake )... it rice, milk, egg and lutfisk.

She used to hydrate the fish her self back in the day, but now she just buy it hydrated and yes first day it is baked in the oven and the left overs is made into lutefisk bake.

I refuse to it eat.
Mmm, I love lutefisk. Sounds good as the baked dish.

Here's my Mom's lutefisk and onions.


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Don't think there ever was anything on the Thanksgiving/Christmas table that was not touched... Tomato Aspic had to be there, big dish of Ripe Olives and Sweet Pickles -

about the only thing I never had nor liked, was cranberry sauce, there was always one crystal dish of canned jellied cranberry and another one of homemade cranberry relish. I continued serving them in my own home for my in-laws sake. I have even tried them at others' homes but the only one I surprising liked was made by my ex's girlfriend!

I believe I mentioned elsewhere that at all my mother's Ladies Teas the requisite Lime Jello with Cottage Cheese had to be there. Loved that stuff! Depending on which lady made it the extra ingredients varied.
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