Facebook Like Button????

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Having a Like button on a thread here that is linked with FB is like giving your address to a mass mailer.

How does someone get your address by having a like button on a thread?

It puts your posts into one of the biggest spammers hands with one click. I'd just as soon they have to work to get my info. It's bad enough having mods know your IP addy who divulge no information of their own. JMO :angel::angel::angel:

How does it give any spammer any information on you if someone likes your post?

This feature does not reveal to anyone on facebook who posted what. It displays the thread which has your username and profile, which is already public record, but does not tell the world that Joe Schmoe AKA <Some_Username> from Biloxi Mississippi posted this. If you thought your username and public profile were some kind of secret, you were wrong. It never has been.

When you like something on facebook, only you and your friends see that. Unless you are friends with a bunch of spammers, I don't see how you can say this.
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Here is the best way I can illustrate this on a Saturday where I am caffeined out and hungry for dinner. Before this feature, all of these services could view your thread:


After this feature:


EDIT: updated the after graph..
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Those DC members who also frequent DC on FB reveal their real names. Easier to make a connection. Which is why I stay off the FB DC page.
I have never used my real name or specific (just general stuff) info anywhere on the internet. So going to FB and posting is no problem for me.

They can only know what you reveal.
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Originally Posted by pacanis
Having a Like button on a thread here that is linked with FB is like giving your address to a mass mailer.

How does someone get your address by having a like button on a thread?

That was an analogy :rolleyes:

If I post a comment or a picture HERE, that should not give instant access to people on FB to that comment or picture if a FB user decides to Like the thread.
I do those things with full understanding that the information I post is public... insofar as THIS website is concerned, not this website linking my posts to another website.

The analogy is a person giving information to one entity without wanting another to have access to that information without at least a little work.

Originally Posted by pacanis
It puts your posts into one of the biggest spammers hands with one click. I'd just as soon they have to work to get my info. It's bad enough having mods know your IP addy who divulge no information of their own. JMO :angel::angel::angel:

How does it give any spammer any information on you if someone likes your post?

See above.
Believe it or not, not everyone likes Facebook. Not everyone wants access to what they post on one site so readily availlable to a site like FB. One might say that even falls under this forums copyright laws. Lord knows they've been brought up enough.
If a member here so wants to share a thread with their multitude of friends on FB, let them go through a little work to do so. An "instant share" negates the "coziness" of this forum.

This feature does not reveal to anyone on facebook who posted what. It displays the thread which has your username and profile, which is already public record, but does not tell the world that Joe Schmoe AKA <Some_Username> from Biloxi Mississippi posted this. If you thought your username and public profile were some kind of secret, you were wrong. It never has been.

When you like something on facebook, only you and your friends see that. Unless you are friends with a bunch of spammers, I don't see how you can say this.

It's easy, I don't do Facebook. Along with a few other members as well. I don't like anything to do with FB, as I alluded to in a previous post. Go up top and read it.
If I post a comment or a picture HERE, that should not give instant access to people on FB to that comment or picture if a FB user decides to Like the thread.[/COLOR]
I do those things with full understanding that the information I post is public... insofar as THIS website is concerned, not this website linking my posts to another website.

The analogy is a person giving information to one entity without wanting another to have access to that information without at least a little work.

If you post a comment or picture here, it gives instant access to EVERYONE on the internet. Whether a facebook user likes it or not really doesn't matter does it? Your analogy is broken because what you post here is public to everyone, facebook user or not. A better analogy would be that you are giving a speech in a public area and then demanding nobody talk about it.

Believe it or not, not everyone likes Facebook. Not everyone wants access to what they post on one site so readily availlable to a site like FB. One might say that even falls under this forums copyright laws. Lord knows they've been brought up enough.
If a member here so wants to share a thread with their multitude of friends on FB, let them go through a little work to do so. An "instant share" negates the "coziness" of this forum.

Believe it or not, not everyone dislikes facebook. Nobody has to use it. You can disable it in your user cp. There you go, no facebook usage for you. Frankly I don't understand how it concerns you after that. The same information is being posted with the same visibility as it was before, we are just making it easier for people who DO use facebook to share. We are not forcing anyone to share anything they were not before.

If this was copyright violation, then Google is nothing but one large violation of copyright law.

If a member wants to share a thread on facebook, I don't understand why you feel the need to hinder that. It does not affect you in any way.

It's easy, I don't do Facebook. Along with a few other members as well. I don't like anything to do with FB, as I alluded to in a previous post. Go up top and read it.

Then it is easy still: don't use facebook. Problem solved.
We have all seen, (if you take the time to look) that sometimes Google is a better search engine than the one here at D.C., when looking for an obscure or older thread. The thing to remember, for good or ill, is that anytime you put something on the internet, anywhere, it can be found by anyone who takes the time to find it. It is just a fact of life. I understand that some folks are concerned about Facebook but the fact is that anything posted can be found, even if Facebook didn't exist.
BTW, I have finished testing the modification. If you disable facebook in your user CP, it will not show the FB like button to anyone viewing a thread you STARTED. Please note, the site does use a cache for guests, so if you are testing this by turning the setting on, then off, you will not see it take effect right away.

If you already have it disabled, please view your current threads AS A GUEST and you will see the FB like button is not there.

Hopefully this will take care of anyone's concerns.

I do want to stress this fact though: even though you have disabled the FB like button from showing on your threads, all a person has to do is paste the link to your thread in their FB page and it is shared. There is nothing we can do about that and still maintain a public forum.
I just wanted to chime in and explain a couple things.

1) I am sorry we didn't give you all a better heads up and explain this before it went live. It's just a beta feature we are testing to see how it works. Tech Admin (Jeff) was working on this last week and was excited to roll it out to get some real world usage to make sure it's working properly. In hindsight we should have not rushed things, put together a proper announcement.

2) Attached you will see some stats regarding the traffic to our community. Unfortunately it's becoming increasingly difficult to rank well in the search engines with all the highly funded recipe sites out ranking us. We used to rank very high but we now end up behind the big guys. It's natural to have an ebb and flow with forums but you have to have a source of traffic to bring visitors by, hope they register so we can replace members who might fade away for what ever reason.

Since our organic search traffic has slowed down, we are trying to find ways to reach other like minded people (assuming our members have nice friends, lol). When someone likes a recipe or discussion on DC it will then show on their Facebook wall and the hope is that their friends will see that and come see what DC is all about.

Getting likes also helps in other ways. The search engines are now using social media "mentions" as ways to determine what websites/webpages are worthy. So if people are "liking" our recipes and discussions that helps the search engines understand our site is a site that people enjoy and that helps you rank higher.

"Liking" on Facebook is just one of a few ways to use Social Media to help DC remain part of the internet ecosystem. Our plan was to also find a way to Google+ and Tweet about recipes or discussions. The latter two are not as popular because less people use Google+ and Twitter but they are more valuable from a trust standpoint with the search engines. The reason is that Facebook fights with Google and does not share their like data but Google can access Twitter mentions and obviously their Google+ mentions.

As Jeff (Tech Admin) mentioned, this feature does nothing more then make it easy for someone to tell their friends about a recipe they like or a discussion they read. All the discussions are already 100% public so this does not add change any privacy issues. It's one of those things where if you participate on Facebook, great, help us get the word about the amazing recipes and discussions going on here at DC. If your not a fan of Facebook, no worries, you can disable it and continue with business as usual.

I am very sorry for the way we rolled this out, we'll make sure to more properly explain things in the future.


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Do you guys use YouTube? Visit I Can Haz Cheezburger? How about Flickr? They, and loads of other sites, have FB like buttons.
Many thanks to Jeff and Andy R for letting this discussion happen and for trying to keep DC on the map !

There is a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes and we do appreciate your efforts. :)
Thanks to all for the information. Due to being "found" several times through FB by a stalker, I was able finally to get my account deleted. Hence, I get upset everytime I see anything FB.

I've disabled the link so I don't get upset every time I see it.
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