Dinner time menu! 9/18/12

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Assistant Cook
Sep 18, 2012
What are you eating for dinner tonight? I'm such a foody I want to know what everyones cooking. :chef:

Tonight I am having a prawn curry, one of my faviourtes :)
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I am trying to decide between turkey shepherd's pie or turkey taco salad. Of course it could be turkey burgers or turkey meatloaf! ;)

I am trying really hard to get used to cooking to lower our cholesterol...and I got a really good deal on 2 kg of ground turkey thigh! Yes, I know the thigh isn't as good for cholesterol as the breast, but it has more flavour and I am taking baby steps! :angel:
I am trying to decide between turkey shepherd's pie or turkey taco salad. Of course it could be turkey burgers or turkey meatloaf! ;)

I am trying really hard to get used to cooking to lower our cholesterol...and I got a really good deal on 2 kg of ground turkey thigh! Yes, I know the thigh isn't as good for cholesterol as the breast, but it has more flavour and I am taking baby steps! :angel:

All of those menus sounds delicious. Turkey is a healthy choice of meat. I think you should go for the Turkey Taco Salad because you can dress your dish with vegetables. This way you are lowering your cholestrol levels and maintaining a balanced diet. :)
I think I'm going to bake a batch of chicken wings. Maybe some mac and cheese or cheesy rice. I'll let the kid decide when he gets up!
Linguine w/ clam sauce. I forgot to add the diced roma tomato in the first photo. I also found a quarter of a red pepper in the fridge so I threw that in last minute.


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Tonight's just a laid back night. Bacon, Tomato, Lettuce, & Avocado sandwiches on English Muffins. Fruit for dessert. Maybe some crackers with cambert if we're munchy later :)
I pulled a tendon in my foot about 3 weeks ago, & it's still healing, so I'm trying to stay off it as much as possible. Once it's all better, LOOK OUT! I'm itching to make fancier things :D
I am going to make fusilli carbonara. Any suggestions for a side dish? (no eggplant or zucchini)
So we had a salad of curly lettuce, celery heart, and red onion with KadesMa's blue cheese dressing with the carbonara. I left out the Tabasco; I did add anchovy. It was delicious. We also had Mommesin's Cuvé Saint George red wine to accompany.



No room for the strawberries. I guess I'll make a strawberry mousse tomorrow.
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