Chicken Gizzards...

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We used to frequent a farmers market outside of Philadelphia when I lived down there. This one stand had gizzards. Not sure how they were prepared, but every time we went there, there was a line 20 - 30 people deep waiting to get their hands on a serving. One time they, must have ran out, so there was a sign on the counter saying " Sorry, no more gizzards". The look of disappointment of the people walking by was evident. Guess they must have really tasted good.

I have never eaten a chicken gizzard. I know my dad loved them, but somehow, I never ate one.

Do Y'all cook with these?
They are cheap, and if you stew them, they are very good.
You can fry them , but they are very tough.
if you simply stew them for 2hrs. they get soft.
I put them in Spagheti sauce!
apperently , Carusso"s favorite dish, from an old German cookbook my Mom gave me...
Eric, Austin Tx.
I usually bake them in the oven with potatoes and spices. That makes them especially tasty, and the dish is really filling.
It’s a lot of work to trim the gristle from chicken gizzards, to get at the little nuggets of meat, but if you are willing to take the time they are good deep fried.

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