Kitchen torches, what do you use?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
We've spoken before about torches used in the kitchen and if memory serves me correctly the two main points I remember are those 25$ butane torches are usually garbage and some use their butane torches from out of the tool box.
I know the one I bought at a kitchen supply store worked once, couldn't refill it no matter what I did. LOL, neither could my ex when he stopped by one day.

So what do you all use?
How often do you really use it?
Would you buy another to replace it if it goes belly up?

I know it's not the most important tool in the kitchen but consider this...
How often do you use your broiler function in your oven?
If you did not have a broiler function in your oven, would you consider getting one to do simple things like browning the top of an au'gratin, creme caramel, etc.

Lot of questions, I know, but answer as you would for yourself.
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