Can anyone identify this fruit?

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Apr 6, 2021
San Diego
Screen Shot 2024-03-22 at 3.08.04 AM.png

This fruit being squeezed was only visible for a split second on an episode of Beat Bobby Flay. The chef was using it to make a dressing, and this juice was all of the liquid other than a slosh of soy sauce; wouldn't lemon juice be too strong for that? Plus, the way the fruit has such an obvious "nose," and it looks like the surface is irregular, making it seem more like a citron, but citron doesn't really produce much juice, so… Can someone who knows more about fruit identify what it is? The chef got high marks for his salad and dressing, and an oil free dressing that's good enough for a competition would be good to know about! Thank you!
I've seen lemons shaped like that, it's quite common especially organic. there's a few varietals that are more football shaped and have irregular skin. One is the ponderosa lemon and another is the bubblegum burst.

Maybe a sorrento or amalfi lemon. They are bigger than the usual grocery store lemons and the juice is sweeter.

There's also an orange variety that has a nose like that, but the name escapes me at the moment. But, it is bright orange in color and, if the color above is true, that rules out the orange.
@BurnsWater :D I love that name.

If it is a video, could you turn on the closed captioning and read the words they are saying, so you can identify the fruit that way?
@BurnsWater :D I love that name.

If it is a video, could you turn on the closed captioning and read the words they are saying, so you can identify the fruit that way?
Back in the olden days, someone who was a bad cook would be referred to as being able to burn water; I don't think anybody actually says that anymore, lol, but I always thought it was funny.

I had the sound on while I was playing the video; the chef just referred to it as "citrus," so that's what the closed captioning said. I think he was being a little bit cagey, so that people would not easily be able to duplicate his recipe.
Back in the olden days, someone who was a bad cook would be referred to as being able to burn water; I don't think anybody actually says that anymore, lol, but I always thought it was funny.
My SIL was like that but with the passing of many years, she is now able to cook hot dogs with out them splitting apart.
There are a lot of intriguing suggestions… But none of them completely explain the image, which is of a pale yellow citrus fruit, with an irregular skin and a very prominent "nose."…?
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This fruit being squeezed was only visible for a split second on an episode of Beat Bobby Flay. The chef was using it to make a dressing, and this juice was all of the liquid other than a slosh of soy sauce; wouldn't lemon juice be too strong for that? Plus, the way the fruit has such an obvious "nose," and it looks like the surface is irregular, making it seem more like a citron, but citron doesn't really produce much juice, so… Can someone who knows more about fruit identify what it is? The chef got high marks for his salad and dressing, and an oil free dressing that's good enough for a competition would be good to know about! Thank you!
I go along with lemon. What kind of lemon? Who knows! But if you've never tasted the original recipe there is no way of knowing if, when you make it yourself, it tastes any different.
Were specific comments made by the judges on "whatever it was" to the taste of the dish?
Unfortunately, no; they neither named the fruit nor gave any insight into it. I've looked up everything everyone had suggested, and have yet to find a picture that matches the actual fruit that was used…

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